Hello Sweet Friends! I wanted to create something simple today using printables from the Print, Pray, Paste shop.
When I first saw the His Tribe printable and traceables in the shop I couldn’t wait to use them. I knew that they would be just perfect to highlight Joshua Chapter 6 in my bible. This scripture tells the story of Jericho and is all about being brave and overcoming obstacles.
As Christians we each experience a time in our walk with God when we come to a crossroad. God does not place us on earth without purpose; He has a divine design for each of us. As we seek to follow His direction, difficulties confront us. Joshua teaches us how to overcome the obstacles that would keep us from following the will of God in our lives.
This is really resonating in my own personal walk right now. Studying this chapter and taking the time to pour into it, really helped remind me to be brave. I hope that you will find courage in it as well.
Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd: Precision Pen | Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd: Bible Mat | Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd: Acrylic Block | Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd: Black Ink Pad | Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd: Send Me Washi Tape | Illustrated Faith: Date Stamp | Illustrated Faith His Tribe Print Pray Paste | Illustrated Faith His Tribe Print Pray Trace | Illustrated Faith His Love Never Fails Stamp Set | Prima: Watercolor Confections Decadent Pies | Prima: Watercolor Pencils Spring & Fall
| Prima: Watercolor Pencils Scenic Route
| Studio Calico: Mister Huey’s Opaque White Spray Mist