There is something pretty awesome about allowing yourself to be open to lessons you didn’t know you needed. This page was definitely one of those times! A lesson in finding focus. Not trying so hard. Being myself. And most importantly, remembering that I am loved by the one whose love never fails.

Focus was difficult to find because I had just received a giant box of the brand new Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd goodies and was super overwhelmed with everything. It was both paralyzing and like I just wanted to use one of everything and pray it worked out. The pressure I felt to create something amazing started to take hold and I ended up having to walk away and sleep on it.

It was only after I asked God to set me free from the restrictions and self doubt that I was truly able to just create without constraint.

faith traveler's notebook entry by Andrea Gray | List of God's promises - You have a problem? He has the solution.


The layout started with hexies because I simply HAD to use them – and I wanted to use A LOT of them! And I wanted them to feel like they drifted off and up the page. At first things didn’t feel like they flowed so I added smaller embellishments like the puffy hearts, crosses, stars and words. I even cut the bottom off of one to help the effect. Adding the hexies with the statements eventually determined the path of this entire post. All of the statements were truly things He was reminding me of while I worked on this layout.

faith traveler's notebook entry by Andrea Gray | List of God's promises - You have a problem? He has the solution.


Another struggle I had was being myself. There are techniques and styles that I just don’t excel at. Layering and clustering is one of those and I must have moved these layers a thousand times, trying to channel my inner whoever and I was feeling so annoyed with myself that it wasn’t working. Coming back to the process after my chat with God gave me the permission to just do what I was comfortable with. I believe He wants us to grow and see where we can improve but I certainly don’t think He always intends for it to be painful. Sometimes it just takes time and I think that’s what I needed here.

faith traveler's notebook entry by Andrea Gray | List of God's promises - You have a problem? He has the solution.


This whole process was an entire conversation between God and I – I just didn’t realize it until everything was in the right spots and the glueing was complete. I intentionally allowed this space for journaling but honestly I had NO IDEA what verse or journaling I was going to put there.

faith traveler's notebook entry by Andrea Gray | List of God's promises - You have a problem? He has the solution.


As I recalled all the tiny struggles I experienced while I worked through this – IT HIT ME! He helps us through these kinds of things every day! All of these problems we face – He has the solution! He has the answer. HE IS THE ANSWER! He is that bluebird on your shoulder.

faith traveler's notebook entry by Andrea Gray | List of God's promises - You have a problem? He has the solution.


As you go through your week – remember that God can do all these things and wants to do all these things for you. He is the solution to your problem! I pray you can find the answers in Him when you need it.

See you soon!

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Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd Seeds of Faith: paper pad, cardstock stickers, puffy stickers and epoxy stickers | Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd epoxy stickers: Olive You Mix mini hexiesBless Her Heart mini hexies, Oh My Heavens hexies,  That’s My Jam hexies | Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd Oh My Heavens Mix CrossesIllustrated Faith by Bella Blvd Delight in His Day Paper Pieces | Bella Blvd Puffy Star Stickers in Pickle Juice Mix and Punch Mix | Bella Blvd Puffy Heart Stickers in Punch Mix | Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd pen | White Doily


  1. Monika 8 years ago

    I love everything about this. Thanks for the heartfelt post Drea! I get overwhelmed watching y’all get all the stuff lol! God is so good to help us through everything and set us free. Hugs!

  2. Amy Bruce 8 years ago

    Yes and AMEN sister

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