bible journaling entry by Bailey Jean Robert | Worth the Wait | Whatever You Say

For the final entry in the Worth the Wait series, we are landing somewhere I think the Lord always knew we were headed. I don’t know what you are in the wait for or what you have been praying for, but the waiting journey is a meaningful part of the process, part of learning to trust God no matter your circumstances, and today I wanted to share about trusting God no matter the outcome.

See, while we wait we are not guaranteed the answer we’ve asked for. Oh, the Lord will answer, to be sure, but it may be in a way we didn’t expect and it may be in a way we won’t like. But God -two of my favorite words in the Bible and in my faith walk- is always working for the good of those who love Him, even if in the end things don’t turn out the way we were expecting.

bible journaling entry by Bailey Jean Robert | Worth the Wait | Whatever You Say

Philippians 4: 8-9 says

“Finally brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable –if anything is excellent or praiseworthy– think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me — put into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.”

We can wish and hope and pray all day, and it is true that a hope deferred makes the heart sick, but I encourage you friends to list your joys. Look back over this waiting season and write down where God has shown up and the blessings He has provided along the way. Take note of what you have learned and thank Him for it.

The God of peace promises to be with us every step of the way, no matter what His answer is in the end.

bible journaling entry by Bailey Jean Robert | Worth the Wait | Whatever You Say

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1 Comment
  1. Norma Fox 8 years ago

    It is awesome to see this truth being taught. You hear all the time that God is taking care of things, he will work it out don’t worry it will be ok. Although I agree with all that it really is kind of misleading to baby Christians and when things are not ok they are in disbelief and give up on God. I prayed for my son for over a year about him going down the wrong path in life and asked God to do what ever He needed to get him back on track. I remember so clearly the day that God asked me whatever and I said yes, whatever and then just as clear as day again He said even if that means bringing him home. oh no I said, but after awhile He gave me the faith to trust Him, still in the back of my mind I believed He was just going to change my sons heart to turn back to the right path. I was wrong – He took him home. I never lost my faith and really never even got angry and still trust God today. You are so right, when we trust Him, His peace brings us through the worse of answers. God is in control and work out the best for those who love Him – my son was saved and is now living with Jesus. Still have a hard time with praising Him for that, but I can praise Him for all He did in the midst of the worse time in my life..

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