Worth the Wait | Mary and the Manger | mixed media art journaling Bible entry by Bailey Robert



It’s time to wrap up the Worth the Wait series with what I believe to be one of the most beautiful stories and most impactful women in the Bible: Mary, the mother of Jesus. How many times do we hear her story during the holidays? A young woman, who most would say was around fourteen, engaged with the rest of her life ahead of her. Then one afternoon an angel appears to her and gives the good news. News that will change her life forever.

Mary was going to have a son, and his name would be Jesus.

She knew, and then Joseph knew, the truth and the weight the birth of this child would bring into the world, and for months she carried him, waited for him, dreamed of him. Imagine what she must have been thinking! I’m sure there was a mix of excitement, joy, and fear shared between the two.

Worth the Wait | Mary and the Manger | mixed media art journaling Bible entry by Bailey Robert

I would also guess that when Mary imagined or dreamed the birth of her child, being amidst the animals and the hay in a stable was not how she would have pinned it. All that waiting, for this?

How many times have we gone through seasons of waiting and wondering and hoping for that one thing, either that guarantee or that hope of a dream, and then when it gets here it is nothing like we expected? In the stable, by the manger, I imagine Mary to be thinking similarly.

Childbirth and all its glory likely brought all its pain, for how many hours we do not know, but at the end of it, the star shining above, Mary beheld her son, the Savior of the world. I picture the stable melting out of view as she counted his ten tiny fingers and ten little toes, brushing his cheeks lightly with a finger, looking into the eyes of that had seen the universe brought to life. What a perspective shift that moment must have held!

My encouragement today, to you and to me while we wait, is to press in and look into the eyes of God. Get His perspective and linger in His presence while the rest of the world tries to push in. He is always worth it. He is always worth the wait.

Worth the Wait | Mary and the Manger | mixed media art journaling Bible entry by Bailey Robert

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1 Comment
  1. Elizabeth Cortez 8 years ago

    This is simply beautiful.

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