mixed media Bible journaling entry by Bailey Robert | Words of Worship: Free In You | Illustrated Faith Faith>Fear Collection

I don’t know that I know when I first heard the word “freedom”. I’m not even sure I could tell you when I knew what it meant. But somewhere along the way, “freedom” became familiar. It was turned into a banner of red, white, and blue hung on the patio during a summer holiday and a hung in miniature form to be saluted at school every morning. “Freedom” became an afterthought. A given. A guarantee. Taken for granted.

What I also didn’t know was that I wasn’t truly free without Jesus. I can have rights and privileges, free will to make my own decision and trusting parents to give me the space to do so, but I still had chains and entanglements, things holding me back and not allowing me to live up to my full potential. Sins, expectations, worldly idols. All of these stood in the way of true freedom.

mixed media Bible journaling entry by Bailey Robert | Words of Worship: Free In You | Illustrated Faith Faith>Fear Collection

But God.

Oh, how sweet are those words to me! I was trapped, drowning, and doomed BUT GOD offered His Son on the cross to purchase my freedom! And “Who the Son sets free is free indeed.”

When I need a reminder of this freedom, when I need for it to sink into my soul instead of be tucked in my back pocket, I put on “Free In You” by Iron Bell Music. The beat is strong, the cry is simple, and I can’t help but dance! Take a look at the lyrics here:

You took these lies, replaced these scars
With who I am, with who You are

You bore the cross, You loosed the chains
Made me Your child, no longer slave

I’m set free, Oh Lord
I’m set free, Oh Lord
I’m set free, I’m free in You

You led me out to draw me near
Bound me to love and not to fear
Through all the earth Your freedom rings
Released my soul and now I sing

mixed media Bible journaling entry by Bailey Robert | Words of Worship: Free In You | Illustrated Faith Faith>Fear Collection

Our faith can be greater than our fear when we remember that He came down and set us free! We can walk forward in faith knowing that no chains hold us back and He welcomes us with open arms.

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