Illustrated Faith Winners of our FAVORITE bible journaling GOODIES!!!!

Yay yay yay giving away things is always SO much fun but giving away our latest and greatest bible journaling releases is EVEN MORE FUN!!!! YIPEE!!!!

Illustrated Faith Winners of our FAVORITE bible journaling GOODIES!!!!

The winner of this adorable line, perfect for Spring and your Easter pages – Seeds of Faith is.. (drum roll please….. )


Illustrated Faith Winners of our FAVORITE bible journaling GOODIES!!!!

Congrats Amanda!!!!! And yay for The Lilypad days!!! xoxo I hope you enjoy bible journaling the seeds God has placed in your path, and love these cute little birds as much as we do!!!


Illustrated Faith Winners of our FAVORITE bible journaling GOODIES!!!!

This adorable line designed by my sweet friend Elaine Davis sure to be PERFECT for documenting the simply joys of your everyday life!!!

Illustrated Faith Winners of our FAVORITE bible journaling GOODIES!!!!


Congrats Shasta!!! I hope you and your little cutie pie have fun with this JOY-FILLED line, Delight In His Day!!


Illustrated Faith Winners of our FAVORITE bible journaling GOODIES!!!!

YES!!! The basics collection, I always love seeing what we are able to add to our basic bible journaling line, this is the line we try to answer all your requests with and this time we had SO much fun doing do!!


Illustrated Faith Winners of our FAVORITE bible journaling GOODIES!!!!

Congrats Abigail!!! We love the cross stickers and washi too and I can’t wait to see them in your bible!!!



Illustrated Faith Winners of our FAVORITE bible journaling GOODIES!!!!

One thing I have heard the most is how much you guys are LOVING these crosses! We couldn’t agree more and we can’t wait to see them in your bibles!!!

Illustrated Faith Winners of our FAVORITE bible journaling GOODIES!!!!

YAY!!! Savannah!!! I am so exited you won these, I LOVE all your art and hope these will be a fun addition in your creative worship!!!

If you won one of our bible journaling giveaways – please email me at with your mailing address and we will get these cuties right off to their new home!!!

Thank you to all of you who left comments and entered, its always so fun to read all of your stories, thank you for sharing your heart!!! These items will be hitting the shop very soon so make sure you are subscribed to our newsletter for all the latest updates!!

xox Shanna Noel

  1. Amanda Huizenga 7 years ago

    How exciting!!!! Congrats to ALL the winners, and thank you to Illustrated Faith and Bella Blvd. for all these super FUN giveaways!!! Can’t wait to worship and create with these goodies! THANKS!

  2. Sheryl in Florida 7 years ago

    CONGRATULATIONS LADIES!! How awesome to win such fun goodies!! I can’t wait to get my hands on these amazing products! Thanks “Illustrated Faith & Bella Blvd”. Not to mention all the companies that are carrying all of these awesome products too, as well as all the designers that done an outstanding job on every collection!! You ALL just ROCK! Praise the Lord for all the good things HE does!!

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