Greetings beloved Illustrated Faith Family!
Have you ever been really in need of peace? Supernatural peace? A peace that defies circumstances? A peace that defies the emotional waves of your own heart beat? A peace not of this world? A peace that allows you to function even though everything around you seems like a huge, fat, spiraling mess?
I read something Trillia Newbell wrote for She Reads Truth in their Miracles devotion the other day and it was something I never want to forget.
He doesn’t just offer peace – He is Peace.
Such truth.
I ask for peace. I pray for peace over myself and over others and I think these are all good things. But if you really let the truth sink in that Jesus IS Peace, you realize the key to Peace is found in tucking yourself under His wing. Peace is found in drawing yourself so close in worship, prayer, and dependence to Jesus that you can’t help but breathe in Peace. When you are close to Him, you absorb a bit of who He is. Your heart and mind renew in truth, your thoughts draw parallel to His. Abiding in Jesus gives Him access to all those places of unrest.
Bible Journaling for me involves letting God speak to me through the creative process; but it also is a place where I document memories and truth I never want to forget. It’s a place where even when I am gone, I want my children to be able to pick up and read parts of my journey with the Lord. Yep, time to add this one to the pages of my Bible. It’s a truth I want to keep forever.
Ephesians 2:14 (ESV)
For He Himself if our peace…
Let’s journal truth my friends!
Gathering supplies. Choose two to three colors that speak to you. For me peace is always soft teals and blues. That’s probably why everything I own is a shades of teal and blue!
I love the travel water brushes for lettering. Springy bristles are best! Use your own handwriting to stoke down the first letter. I started with teal. I am going to show you the faux calligraphy method.
Go back and thicken some of the lines. Usually in faux calligraphy, it’s the down stroke of each letter. I don’t always follow the rule on this – LOL – sometimes just because I make a mistake and other times because it is more visually pleasing to my eye to do my own thing and be whimsical.
Once you have the base for the letter, go back and drop in the other colors (more tips on that here I am starting with the dark blue and dropping the color in on the edges. Adding the darkest color to outside edges makes your letters pop.
Then go back and add your third color. I chose to drop the green toward the inside edges.
Add as little or as much additional pigment to your letters as you like. The letter “e” is next. This time I experimented and started with my green color.
I dropped in the blue.
Next up “a”
and then “c”
last “e”
A good dry with the Ranger Heat Tool.
I added a bit of extra pigment to the dry letters here and there.
I added a few very light leaves and swirls.
I used Illustrated Faith letter stickers for the “He is” – they are my favorite combo with hand lettering.
I used my paint card and Illustrated Faith pen to underline the text.
Adding some white whimsical lines and dots with a white gel pen.
I added some puffy stickers from the Seeds of Faith collection and then started searching for a tab. I spread out my blue and green options around the page to decide.
I selected a tab from the Illustrated Faith Basics collection, a cute paper piece from the Illustrated Faith Basics collection, and a puffy “I am His” from the Seeds of Faith collection. Perfect.
Remembering my resolution to date stamp my pages this year.
Yep, He is Peace.
Entry complete. I love it.
If you try out this lettering technique, tag me on Instagram friends (@designsbyamybruce) — I so love to see your journal entries!
Grateful He is our peace friends. I pray that He will be yours today. Draw near to Him. Abide in the presence of the King of Kings.
Ephesians 2:14 (ESV)
For He Himself if our peace…
amy bruce
Additional supplies: Uni-ball Signo White Gel Pen | Zig Travel Waterbrush – Medium
| Ranger Heat It Craft Tool
Wow, Amy. Both your words and page are beautiful.
Thank you so much Nancy! So many blessings! amy