Hello Illustrated Faith Tribe!
I have had this giraffe on my heart for a long time. The Lord used the tall, graceful animal as a picture to remind me to keep my head and heart above the circumstances around me. To focus on Him. To keep my heart, eyes, and mind from wandering away from His truth.
At first I was a bit intimidated to draw a giraffe. I had never drawn one before so I spent time looking at giraffes and doodling full body giraffes. I finally settled on just drawing the from the neck up. I thought this was a better representation of seeking what is above. I sketched out the giraffe in my doodle book and outlined the sketch in black. I made her a girl with beautiful eyelashes, well, because.
There is an illustration on the other side of the page so I lightly covered the margin area with white gesso because I didn’t want anything to distract from the giraffe. Once that was complete, I used carbon paper to transfer my image to the page. Normally I would trace the image from behind but the gesso and the flowers on the next page would have made that difficult.
Once the light sketch was on the page, I penciled in the other areas.
Then I got stuck. I was already left with the navy washi tape so I needed to include blue. I knew I wanted a wonky, imaginative giraffe but I just could not settle on a color scheme. So I Googled “navy color scheme.” Voila. Ideas galore.
Next I used my Illustrated Faith .65 and .35 pens to go over my pencil marks and then I erased any stray marks. I was inspired by the lines in my leaves to make lines and marks inside the giraffe. Like a funky quilt. Oh my… so me. There may be some more animals coming like this.
Happy with the initial design, I pulled out the watercolors and began layering color.
A tip I love is to mix colors on a clear sheet of plexiglass (you can get these in various sizes at Lowes). I put the plexiglass on top of whatever color paper I am painting on so I can get a true idea of the color. Watercolors look different on a cream background than on white; and the plexiglass gives a delightfully smooth, flat surface to play with colors.
After she was complete, I dug through my Illustrated Faith die cuts for a fun tab and added it to the top, added my favorite white details with my Signo gel pen, and one of the adorable navy cute clips from Bella Blvd. And there she is. The first patchwork animal in my Journaling bible. I’m in love and won’t soon forget the passage I highlighted –
Colossians 3:2
Set your minds on things that are above not things that are on earth.
Hugs my friends! You are Loved!
ESV Leather Journaling Bible | Bella Blvd Illustrated Faith You Rule Bible Mat | Bella Blvd Illustrated Faith Die Cut Prompts – Encouragement | Bella Blvd Cute Clips – Pumpkin Spice Colors | Bella Blvd Illustrated Faith Pens | Golden White Gesso
| Uni-ball Signo White Gel Pen
| Sennelier Watercolors
| Angora Watercolors 36 pan set
| Danielle Smith Tube Watercolors | Carbon Paper
| Princeton Select Brushes
| Loew Cornell 7300 Shader
This is absolutely wonderful Amy!
Tara, Bless you my sweet friend !
Great post and a totally presh giraffe!!
Adorable! I had to “borrow” your idea and created my own version! Thank you for the cute inspo!
Wow, Amy! Thank you sharing your process! So adorable!
ohhh that’s is awesome. (I would like this website could have something to save the favorites articles) so we can file them and Liked them, and to keep it in the history links from Illustrated faith. Someone knows if there is already a way to do that?
the only thing I can think of is to pin it to Pinterest, that’s how I keep all my favorite articles together to return to later.
Plexiglass. The things I learn from you! I just love the picture in my mind of you doodling and giggling to Jesus about a girl giraffe! Thank you for sharing. You encourage me so much to try new things and to keep my focus on Him.