Thank you so much for stopping by today! I am so excited to let you in my home, and share a little about the space that I create in!
First I wanted to share a bit about US! I don’t think I have talked about it much on this blog, but we are a multigenerational family! Jonathan and I always told our parents we would take care of them as they grew older (still many many many years to come) but they wouldn’t ever have to worry about that. It was something that was laid on our hearts from a very young age. When we told them that, we thought it would be when we were all much older, but in fact it worked out perfectly for it to happen sooner rather than later. Now we get to reap the benefits of a multigenerational family as we have young kids, and we have an extra set of hands (or two) to help us through these busy times. We made it official in March 2013, and I can’t believe what a great transition it has been. Sure there has been some adjustments, like asking Papa to refrain from giving Addison donuts whenever she flashed her eyelashes at him and other fun things like that but over all I feel so blessed!
When we moved our main focus were the main living areas as well as the bedrooms so the craft room really never got done, we just threw everything in there and made due. It was a mix & match of Katherine (my mother in law) and our furniture.  So when I knew she would be out of town for a couple days in a row, and I had saved up some money I knew it was a perfect chance to re-do the scrap room as a surprise for her.
It was important for me that it be a perfect mixture of our styles so when I was “sneaking” items home and telling her they were for our master bedroom and she kept saying she “LOVED” them and wanted them in the main living area I knew I was on the right track!!
So when she went to San Diego with her girlfriends we went to work!!! We all love how it turned out!
The view when you walk in! Baskets from Target’s Feed Collection – Table from Cost Plus Aiden Furniture Collection – Map Land Of Nod (Awesome collection, JUST kidding!) –
Ampersand Light from JunkArtGypsyz <—- enter to win yours here
For the center of the room I used an Ikea Kitchen Island
We lined this 10 foot wall with Ikea Kitchen Cabinets, white counter top and two book shelves. The Arrow Shelf and the Number 6 art is from Home Goods, which we just got in town! The rest of the items I curated from our old room. I love how both of our styles came together.
I also picked up this “fish bowl” from Home Goods, and I LOVE having all our washi out to see! :)
When we were designing the room I wanted to make sure the raskog cart has a home.
I love this thing and keep some of my favorite things in here!
I wanted to make sure we had a nice open space to create, also a little die-cut station!
These were all storage solutions we had in the old room and easily made their way over!
This arrow shelf has to be one of my favorite pieces in the room, and at $29.99 it was a steal!
I also had these in the old room and just cut them down to fit the smaller size.  I love having them out and ready to use!
One of my favorite cabinets is this pull out pantry from Ikea. It was a PAIN to put together, but I love it!
Thank you so much for joining me on my little tour!! Look what I found on my desk!  Some lovely Skipping 5 goodies! Please see my instagram for your chance to win your own set!




  1. Allison Waken 12 years ago

    Love love love love. Did I say I loved it? You did an awesome job!

  2. Jonathan Nalywaiko 12 years ago

    I’m so glad you have a special space to create your wonderful crafty type things!!! It was wonderful to help you complete this amazing project!!

    Love ya


  3. Rachel Whetzel 12 years ago

    Your space is beautiful!!

  4. Andrea Warren 12 years ago

    Gorgeous!!! I love how it is a mix between streamlined and out in the open. Awesome!

  5. Cristina 12 years ago

    What an awesome space!! Make me want to get crafty just looking at it! :)

  6. rhonda nickol 12 years ago

    Your room is beautiful and I love that arrow shelf so much!

  7. julie k 12 years ago

    i LOVE your space. Could seriously move right in. :D

  8. Miss Kathy 12 years ago

    Love your space, so clean and fresh looking. Love that ampersand light too and that arrow shelf. Wonderful place to create.

  9. Jamie Isaak 12 years ago

    LOVE, oh my such an awesome space! Love your decor :D

  10. Jenny 12 years ago

    Love everything about this!

  11. Sierra McClain 12 years ago

    Amazeballs! I love a mix of old and new! Love the light, the old desk, and funny, I just got an arrow shelf VERY similar to that, but mine curves! :D

  12. Melanie 12 years ago

    Your room is perfect! I love that arrow as well!

  13. becky 12 years ago

    This is awesome!

  14. erikabrown707 12 years ago

    It’s come a looong way from Jonathan’s old room! I love it! You are SO creative Shanna!

  15. Jenn A. 12 years ago

    What a happy place to create! Thanks so much for sharing. :)

  16. Shelley 12 years ago

    Love your Mister Huey display. I’m off to Ikea to install those shelves. Thanks for the inspiration!

  17. btsoi. 12 years ago

    Such a gorgeous space! I love how bright it is in there!

  18. It turned out awesome!! Thanks so much for sharing! :)

  19. Heather Greenwood 12 years ago

    oh Shanna!!! That turned about simply AMAZING!!! So in LOVE with it all!!!

  20. Lexi 12 years ago

    SO fun!

  21. Sara*P 12 years ago

    Your room is amazing! And that arrow shelf is the greatest.

  22. Tinkerbeth 12 years ago

    Love your room! But where is your Harbour Freight Spinning Rack?

  23. Katie Rose 12 years ago


  24. Cat Burchmore 11 years ago

    Shanna this room is a pure dream!! And how lucky is your MIL to share it with you?! I LOVE the arrow shelf, wish i could find something similar in the UK!! I need to be on the lookout…. Thanks for sharing :)

  25. Meghann 11 years ago

    Wow, Shanna. This room is amazing! I bet your MIL was blown away!

  26. Keshet 11 years ago

    Absolutely beautiful! Love the marquee light and arrow shelf the best:) Where is the shelf from?

  27. Keith Mustard 11 years ago

    Love it!

  28. Patti Veeraplin 11 years ago

    Hi Shanna, where did you get the plastic holder for your Raskog cart? Was it from IKEA?

  29. Gracie 11 years ago

    What a wonderful space Shanna. Thank you for sharing! :)

  30. pheaney 11 years ago

    What an amazing room. I love the outline and that map with the & light looks just awesome. Well done!

  31. Christine Cieri 11 years ago

    So perfect, what an awesome surprise!

  32. Lauras Crafty Life 11 years ago

    I love your craft room. It is amazing and just an inspirational room. I wanted to let you know your room will be featured at Craft Storage Ideas on Monday!

  33. Noisette251 11 years ago

    Beautiful space and i love all your storage’ideas !!!

  34. 4Ucards 11 years ago

    This is such a nice and clean space. So well organized and very functional. Thank you for sharing.

  35. Lone's Andet Univers 11 years ago

    Lovely room you got
    but how can you even sew – when there is no space around your maschine to put the things you run through it. ;-)
    Can we see a pic of the pantry cabinet when it´s open ?? to see the inside and how its arranged inside ?
    Hugs from Denmark
    and Lone

  36. Sarah 11 years ago

    where did you get the 10 foot counter?

  37. Bonita Rose 11 years ago

    just so incredible.

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