mixed media art Bible journaling by Abigail Clone | Teen Topic: Sharing Your Faith with Friends

To encourage the younger members of the Journaling Bible community, each month we will be taking a peek inside the Bible of Abigail Clone!  Abigail is an energetic, artistic, & faithful 15-year-old sweetie that loves illustrating her faith & sharing the Word with others! She will be sharing projects created around common struggles that teens encounter at school & in their daily lives. With this, we hope to encourage young girls (& boys!) to get into their Bibles & share the lessons from the Bible with their friends & family while expressing themselves artistically. 

As a teenager and even as an adult it’s very hard to show and share your faith. You never know what other people will think if you share. One thing I’ve learned in high school so far is that friends are a BIG part of your life. You go to school activities with them, you get together outside of school, and you are just there for each other every day trying to get through each stressful school day. You feel like you can tell them anything and your faith should be included in that! For me, I love sharing my faith, but I know it is hard for a lot of other people and I TOTALLY get that! I share my faith with my friends all the time and they are always listening. When any of us are having a hard time we always bring up how God is there. Especially during this season of Christmas, we should all have that boost of confidence and share with our friends.
mixed media art Bible journaling by Abigail Clone | Teen Topic: Sharing Your Faith with Friends
Maybe invite them to your church this month, or ask them if they want to come Bible journal with you. I actually did invite my friends over and we had a great time creating in our Bibles and it was also a great stress reliever for all of us before finals week!
mixed media art Bible journaling by Abigail Clone | Teen Topic: Sharing Your Faith with Friends
You can also even just invite them over for dinner with your family. In my family we always read the advent devotional, light the advent candle, and say a prayer, so have them join you! ;) One of my favorite things to do is get together and have a gift exchange with my friends. It’s so fun to shop for them! Maybe this year add a prayer, in their gift, thanking God for your friendship and this time of year where you can get together and celebrate Jesus. 
For my page this month I chose the verse, Revelation 3:20:
“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.” 
To me this verse really shows that you can share your faith and sometimes it can open them up to new ideas. If you share your faith with your friends and they see how passionate you are about it, it could really open doors for them! They might start Bible journaling or going to church. If you share, God will be waiting outside that door waiting! 
mixed media art Bible journaling by Abigail Clone | Teen Topic: Sharing Your Faith with Friends
A technique I used for my page is in the background. I took four different colors of paint, used a paintbrush, and just painted dashes of the colors throughout the page. Then I took my favorite Illustrated Faith stamps, stickers, and paper pieces and layered them on top. 
mixed media art Bible journaling by Abigail Clone | Teen Topic: Sharing Your Faith with Friends
Let’s all share with our friends this season! Even if it is just saying that God loves you, giving them a Christmas card, or even just saying Merry Christmas! I hope all of you have a wonderful Christmas with your family AND FRIENDS! Merry Christmas!!! 
XOXO Abigail
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1 Comment
  1. Audrey Strawberry 8 years ago

    I love your posts, Abigail! Like Timothy, what an encouragement you are to both young and “older” people!
    Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young but instead be an example to all believers, in the way you live, in your love and in your purity. I Timothy 4.12 (this may not be worded exactly but it’s as close as my older brain remembers) ?

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