You guys. The Great Commission. It’s one of my favorite parts of the Bible. Why? Because it’s one of those things from Jesus that is just so clear to me, and it’s really actionable. Like, move-your-body-and-say-some-words actionable. There is a ton of heart and soul behind it, obviously, but it’s more than “internal stuff”: it’s a command to GO.
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Matthew 28:19-20 NIV
“Go,” he said.
Now listen. I am currently living overseas with my cute little family and yes, we’re missionaries, but you can disciple to anyone, anywhere. Wherever God is calling you to go (or to stay), be there.
My husband and I were reborn in 2006, and I went on my first mission trip (short-term to Africa) in 2011. It was incredible, and when I came back I couldn’t stop talking and thinking about it. I also couldn’t shake the feeling that God wanted me to “go back”, but to where wasn’t clear — it was just a general “go”, really — and I mostly shook it off as voices inside my head and a longing of my own.
When I shared these feelings with my husband though, he was intrigued. He thought it all sounded impossible, of course, and I tended to agree with him — our then 3-year old son would have a lot of adjusting to do (as would we), no matter where we moved to, I had a well-paying job that I’d worked hard at for seven years, and my husband was subbing in schools all over the county. We were renting a house in a part of town that we loved, we had two cars, a ton of furniture, toys, and things that we obviously wouldn’t be able to take with us, and… yeah, too crazy, too much work… never gonna happen.
But God kept whispering (read: yelling) at me by way of verses I’d come across in daily readings and devotionals, the messages from our pastor, songs on the radio, friends’ and family’s words. And of course we hadn’t yet told anyone we were even considering leaving, so when we’d hear from them, in so many words, to go, they really didn’t know how literal and applicable their words were in our lives at that moment.
So it became clear, after a few months, and after searching and praying and interviewing and weighing pros and cons, that God wanted us in Vienna, Austria. Vienna, Austria!? What in the world… where in the world… what did we need to go there for!? But we were ready. We had surrendered, and we told God to go ahead and send us wherever He wanted us. And we went.
Going isn’t ever easy, I suppose, but when the calling is so clear, it makes it a little less hard.
We’re now in the midst of our fourth school year where my husband teaches math, and we’ve been at what we call our new home church for almost three years, where my husband and I lead worship together almost every Sunday. We are blessed here, and we pray every day that we’re blessing others as much as they and God are blessing us.
So, where is God leading you to make disciples today? Is it to somewhere in Africa or Asia? Maybe it’s outreach in your own city. Is He calling you to your child’s side? To your extended family? To the barista who makes your coffee every morning? Your co-worker? He’s calling you to someone, somewhere. You just need to tune your ears to hear, your heart to obey, and go.
“All it takes is a little faith and trust…”
Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd “Lovely” scrapbook paper | Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd “Say It” cardstock stickers | Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd “Point It” stickers | Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd precision pen | Illustrated Faith Birthday printables | Bella Blvd Tiny Text in Rainy Day and Faithful | Bella Blvd Enamel Dots in Guacamole | Molotow One4All Acrylic Premium Paint (160 signal white 1mm
, 203 cool grey pastell 15mm, 200 neon pink 4-8mm
) | Pelikan watercolors (32 olive green)
| Graduate round tip paintbrush (10) | Pritt double-sided tape | Micron precision pen
(black 005)
We’re so glad you “went” and “came” to Vienna! What a mega blessing you’ve been to us and CIG (your home church away from home church) :)
What an awesome story. Thank you for hearing His voice and obeying! ????????????❤️
We’re so thankful for you and for our CIG family!!!
Oh my goodness, love your story, love your page!
Thank you so much, Amy!
Wow, I had such goosebumps reading this! I also went on my first mission trip, which was to Africa, in 2011. Afterwards, I experienced the same pulling and leading to “go”. I’m now living in Thailand teaching English and starting up a ministry with my Thai fiancé. It’s amazing how God speaks to us through friends, church, scripture, and songs!
Wow, Chrissy, how amazing! Our stories are so similar! I’m so glad this post spoke to you.
Wow, I had such goosebumps reading this! I also went on my first mission trip, which as to Africa, in 2011. Afterwards I felt very strongly that I needed to “go”. Now I’m living in Thailand teaching English and starting up a ministry with my Thai fiancé. It’s amazing how God uses friends, pastors, scripture, and songs to speak to you! Loved your story and your art :)
Love this! We are in the process of determining where He has for us to go. We actually applied to a school in Vienna. We were bummed when the door was clearly closed but we’re excited to see where He leads! Thank you for sharing a piece of your story! To God be the glory!
Wow, that’s amazing, Emily! Sorry to hear about the door closing to the school in Vienna (how awesome would that have been!?) but we both know God’s got greater plans for you. In His time!
So great to read some more of your story and it’s so true – we can GO wherever we are. I do feel called to be where I am right now (ever since we felt God called us to move from Holland to Canada) and to step up in being a witness of the good news! It’s so cool that you followed God’s calling all the way to Vienna, such beautiful courage and I’m certain you are such a blessing you are to those around you (as you are to our community group!).