I was so excited to receive the Adoption Rocks stamps that Janel designed! I do not have adopted children but my best friend has 3 adopted children so, of course, adoption is close to my heart. These stamps are so very cute. I couldn’t wait to get them into my Bible.

This morning I was reading Psalms chapter 8 and it was a perfect opportunity to break in my new stamps! Friends, how majestic is our Lord? I was choked up reading these verses today. I am nothing. And yet. I am everything to Him. The Lord of the earth is mindful of me. And mindful of you sisters, too! AMEN!


Have you tried coloring on your stamps with markers? You can use Faber Castell pens or in this case, Tombow Dual Brush pens. they are so fun. Warning though, the Tombows do bleed a bit. Big Brush pens have NO bleeding but Tombows are more budget friendly. I colored the map stamps and then wrote out the text with my Illustrated Faith journaling pen. A few more stamps and splatters for interest and that’s it! I had a scrap piece of card stock that I repeated a bit of the pattern on and then punched it with a tab punch to make the tab. It is adhered with a glue stick.


I hope you are inspired!


  1. janel 10 years ago

    oh my goodness Tai!!! You make my stamp kit look sooooooo awesome!! You are such an inspiration girl!! xo

  2. Tallya 10 years ago

    This is beautiful!

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