Tai Bender | Circle Maker | Mixed Media art journaling Bible

My small group has been studying The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson. It is an amazing book that is transforming my prayer life. I highly recommend you check it out! One of the points that is sticking with me this week is a quote from the author “We have not, because we ask not.”. It’s a tough truth. So many times I feel unworthy of God’s blessings, but He still blesses. So many times I doubt that the big, amazing things God does for other people aren’t meant for me, but they are!! He is waiting there for me to just ask!

Tai Bender | Circle Maker | Mixed Media art journaling Bible

And as they went out of Jericho, a great crowd followed him. And behold, there were two blind men sitting by the roadside, and when they heard that Jesus was passing by, they cried out, “Lord, have mercy on us, Son of David!” The crowd rebuked them, telling them to be silent, but they cried out all the more, “Lord, have mercy on us, Son of David!” And stopping, Jesus called them and said, “What do you want me to do for you?” They said to him, “Lord, let our eyes be opened.” And Jesus in pity touched their eyes, and immediately they recovered their sight and followed him. – Matthew 20:29-34


Do you see what Jesus did there? He obviously knew what these men wanted. I think maybe Jesus wanted to make sure these men knew what they wanted. Did they truly believe in His power enough to ask for this specific miracle? If I really believe that Jesus can give me the desires of my heart should my prayer be “Lord, bless me”? Or should my prayer be “Lord Jesus, king of all, I know you understand the desires of my heart. Please make my new business successful in a way that provides abundantly for my family. So much so that I will not have to return to working outside the home. So much so that we have the freedom to take a fun vacation. So much so that we will never have to worry about finances. So much so that we can buy a new home comfortably. Jesus, I promise to remain obedient and hard working for you. I will set my hands to doing tasks pleasing to your will and which glorify your name. I will build my house on the rock. Thank you for your unconditional love and mercy.”

Tai Bender | Circle Maker | Mixed Media art journaling Bible

What do you want Him to do for you? I pray you are able to see His plan for your life!



SUPPLIES: Illustrated Faith Genesis Collection by Bella Blvd – BIG & BOLD HEY SUGAR SUGAR, TYPED ONE IN A MELON, MINI BLESS HER HEART, LOVE IT | Acrylic Paint – Americana Black, Deco Art Craft Twinkles Gold, Folk Art Metallic Antique Gold | Glitter Hearts by Studio 112 (Joanns I think?) | The Circle Maker by Mark BattersonESV Double Column Journaling Bible

  1. April 10 years ago

    I’ve been challenged to pray specifically recently too! I want to see his miracles!

  2. Natalie Elphinstone 10 years ago

    What a great message! It’s one I’ve been trying to teach my girls as well. They’re not too bad at the “please bless Mummy”, “please bless Daddy” kind of prayers. After I challenged them with this the other day my 5 year old responded with a prayer that included things like “please bless Daddy at his new job, please bless Bethany and heal her sore lip, please bless Judah with lots of good sleeps today, and please bless Mummy that she would have lots of milk in her boobies” !!!
    I guess it’s working though, have you seen how chubby my baby is?! LOL! ;-)

  3. Phyllis 10 years ago

    This is my current prayer. After a surgery last year and complications I can’t work and I’m seeking God for what’s next in my life? Am I to go out to the hedges and highways and compell men and women to follow Christ? In this comes much surrending of our Will, humbling ourselves and Trusting Him for direction. Love It!!!!

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