Yay!! The new kit is here!!!! Created to create is something we get asked about on a daily basis...
New Bible Journaling Kit | Rise Up Process Video!
Shanna Noel, , Illustrated Faith, Shanna Noel, Tips & Techniques, art journaling Bible, Bella Blvd, bible journaling, creativity, dayspring, Devotional, faith journaling, Featured Artist, Illustrated Faith, Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd, Journaling, journaling Bible, mixed media, Prayer, rise up, Share, Stamp, stamping, Tutorial, Video, watercolors, 0Hey there cuties!! So glad to be back and with a new bible journaling kit!! YAEAY!! I was in...
Bible Journaling Kit – Doodles To Live By Is Here!!
Shanna Noel, , Illustrated Faith, Shanna Noel, acrylic paint, art journaling Bible, Bella Blvd, Bella Boulevard, bible journaling, Devotional, digital kit, Elaine Davis, faith journaling, Featured Artist, Illustrated Faith, Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd, Journaling, journaling Bible, mixed media, Prayer, printable, Stamp, Video, 0Hiya friends!! The latest bible journaling monthly kit, doodles to live by is here and it is FANTASTIC!!! Our...
What’s in my bible journaling bag | retreat edition !!!
Shanna Noel, , Illustrated Faith, Shanna Noel, acrylic paint, art journaling Bible, Bella Blvd, bible journaling, bible journaling bag, dayspring, Devotional, faith journaling, Illustrated Faith, Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd, Journaling, journaling Bible, mixed media, Scrapbooking, Stamp, Testimony, Tutorial, Video, watercolor, watercolors, 3Hey there cutie! I wanted to share with your what I packed up to use for a recent bible...
Print & Pray Turns ONE Today!
Elaine Davis, , Elaine Davis, Illustrated Faith, Print & Pray Shop, bible journaling, digital, digital downloads, digital shop, Elaine Davis, faith journaling, hybrid, hybrid journaling, Illustrated Faith, print & pray shop, print.pray.paste., Printables, process video, sale, Video, 6Hiya sweets! Today is the Illustrated Faith Print & Pray Digital Shop’s 1st BIRTHDAY! We opened our virtual doors...
One adorable stamp – 5 FUN ways!
Shanna Noel, , Illustrated Faith, Shanna Noel, Supplies, Tips & Techniques, acrylic paint, artist, Bella Blvd, bible journaling, Devotional, Illustrated Faith, Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd, Journaling, journaling Bible, mixed media, Stamp, stamping, Tutorial, Video, watercolor, 2Hi there friends!!! I wanted to share how I am loving the stamp in our latest bible journaling...
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