There’s a vending machine at my workplace filled with all sorts of good things…like Cheetos, for instance. I usually...
Create To Create Process Video
Shanna Noel, , Illustrated Faith, Shanna Noel, art journaling Bible, bible journaling, Created to Create 2, creativity, dayspring, faith journaling, faith scrapbooking, Illustrated Faith, journaling Bible, mixed media, Scrapbooking, Testimony, Tutorial, 0Hiya friends! I hope you are having a wonderful Monday! I wanted to share a little bible journaling process...
Doodles To Live By Round Up!
Shanna Noel, , Illustrated Faith, Shanna Noel, acrylic paint, Bella Blvd, Bella Boulevard, bible journaling, bible journaling kit, creativity, dayspring, Devotional, doodles to live by, Elaine Davis, faith journaling, Featured Artist, Illustrated Faith, Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd, Journaling, journaling Bible, mixed media, Stamp, Testimony, 1Hiya sweet friends! WOWZAHS!!!! Elaine and I have just been LOVING watching you work through the Doodles To Live...
What’s in my bible journaling bag | retreat edition !!!
Shanna Noel, , Illustrated Faith, Shanna Noel, acrylic paint, art journaling Bible, Bella Blvd, bible journaling, bible journaling bag, dayspring, Devotional, faith journaling, Illustrated Faith, Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd, Journaling, journaling Bible, mixed media, Scrapbooking, Stamp, Testimony, Tutorial, Video, watercolor, watercolors, 3Hey there cutie! I wanted to share with your what I packed up to use for a recent bible...
Layers on your heart | Bible Journaling
Shanna Noel, , Illustrated Faith, Shanna Noel, Tips & Techniques, art journaling Bible, Bella Blvd, Bella Boulevard, bible journaling, creativity, faith journaling, Illustrated Faith, Journaling, mixed media, Scrapbooking, stamping, Testimony, 0Hey there sweet friends! Welcome back to our little bible journaling neck of the woods! I wanted to share...
When Bible Journaling Leaves You Questioning…
Shanna Noel, , Illustrated Faith, Shanna Noel, Tips & Techniques, bible journaling, bible journaling kit, bible journaling questions, creativity, Devotional, faith journaling, Illustrated Faith, journaling Bible, Testimony, 2I have to admit, most of the time when I am bible journaling I am documenting what Jesus is...
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