Greetings Illustrated Faith Family – This is my second blog post using my Commit Devotional form the Revival Camp...
Sunday Inspiration from Hillsong Worship
Elaine Davis, , Illustrated Faith, darkness, hand lettering, inspiration, lettering, lyrics, song lyrics, stars, Sunday Inspiration, worship, 0Sunday is a day of worship, praise, & rest to prepare for the week to come. To help start...
Watercolor Bible Journaling Tutorial | Revival Camp – Commit – Watercolor Sprays
Amy Bruce, , Amy Bruce, Illustrated Faith, Tips & Techniques, butterflies, Commit, Joshua, Priests, Revival Camp, Revival Camp Kit Two, stars, Step, watercolor tutorial, watercolors, 4Greetings Illustrated Faith Family! When Shanna asked me to write a devotional for Revival Camp this winter, I said,...
Watercolor Tutorial | Let there be Light – Using Masking Fluid
Amy Bruce, , Amy Bruce, Illustrated Faith, Tips & Techniques, alphas, Bella Blvd, bible journaling, Genesis, homespun alphas, Illustrated Faith, Let there be Light, Masking Fluid, stars, watercolor tutorial, 02018 Greetings Beloved Illustrated Faith Family! God has been speaking about darkness and Light. As an artist and...
He Placed The Stars in the Sky | Job 9:9-10
Janel MacLean, , Janel MacLean, acrylic paint, art journal, art journaling Bible, Bella Blvd, Bella Boulevard, bible journaling, constellation, created to create, dayspring, glitter, Job, Journaling, journaling Bible, mixed media, necklace, orion, Paints, sparkle, stars, the book of Job, universe, 0In one study, it was shown, that the Milky Way has a mass of about 100 billion stars. This accounts for...
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