When was the last time you just straight-up relaxed while journaling & let God speak through you? That’s what...
Print & Pray Hybrid Bible Journaling | More Than Confidence
Elaine Davis, , Elaine Davis, Print & Pray Shop, bible journaling, confidence, digital downloads, Elaine Davis, faith, Hope, hybrid journaling, Illustrated Faith, Illustrating Bible, mixed media, print & pray shop, Printables, rest, trust, 0Worrying is kind of my thing. Some people bake, some people run, I worry. I’m not proud of it,...
I Love Jesus & Naps — Finding Rest in Him
april crosier, , April Crosier, art journaling Bible, art worship, Bella Blvd, creativity, Faith>Fear, rest, 3You know what I really love, friends? Well, I mean next to God + my kids + heavily salted...
The Importance of Restful Worship
Elaine Davis, , Elaine Davis, Print & Pray Shop, bible journaling, Book of Psalms, digital download, faith journaling, healing, Illustrated Faith, print & pray shop, Printables, Psalm 116, Psalms, quiet time, quiet worship, rest, 3When I was growing up, I went to church camp every summer. My mom was always on camp staff;...
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