Hey friends, this month brings the one year anniversary of my Mom’s homegoing… and I want to thank you...
Normal is Overrated | Flamingo Status
Bekah Blankenship, , Bekah Blankenship, acrylic paint, Bekah Blankenship, Bella Blvd, flamingo, Illustrated Faith, praise book, 1We are on the hunt for a church home after recently moving across the country. It’s been such a...
Ways to Show Praise Bookmark
Elaine Davis, , Elaine Davis, Illustrated Faith, Print & Pray Shop, Bella Blvd, bookmark, dayspring, digital kit, digital set, digital shop, Elaine Davis, gratitude, happiness, Illustrated Faith, Illustrated Faith Praise Book, joy, praise, praise book, Praise Him, print & pray shop, Printables, Tutorial, 0Have you guys seen the Donuts & Praise Hands digital set by Jaime Favor!? It just makes me plain...
6 ways to Illustrate your Faith
Andrea Gray, , Andrea Gray, Illustrated Faith, Andrea Gray, faith planner, Illustrated Faith planner, journaling Bible, pocket page, praise book, process video, Video, way to journal, 1Hi friends! Today we are going on a little detour from watching me put a page together because sometimes it’s...
The Power of Disbelief | Video Tutorial
Natalie Elphinstone, , Natalie Elphinstone, acrylic paint, praise book, print & pray shop, print.pray.paste., Printables, process video, Video, 3A sermon that one of my pastors preached a couple of weeks ago keeps going around in my head....
Worship Doodles | Lettering with Leeland
Tawni Sattler, , Tawni Sattler, art journal, art journaling Bible, art worship, beginners, Bella Blvd, Bella Boulevard, creativity, doodling, easy faith journaling, faith, faith journaling, Genesis Collection, hand lettering, Illustrated Faith, Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd, Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd Genesis Collection, Illustrated Faith Praise Book, Journaling, Leeland, praise book, Scrapbooking, Tawni Sattler, worship doodles, worship music, 2Hey, friends! One of my favorite things to do has always been to just sit with a pen and paper...
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