I’m an imperfect person. (understatement of the century!) I’m also a rule-follower. I always have been ever since I...
Tag Archive for: New Testament
Take a Bite Out of God’s Word!
Elaine Davis, , Elaine Davis, Print & Pray Shop, art worship, Bella Blvd, bible journaling, digital shop, faith journaling, God's word, hungry, hybrid, hybrid journaling, Illustrated Faith, Matthew, New Testament, print & pray shop, print.pray.paste., Printables, watercolors, 5I’m hungry… I could really go for a cinnamon raisin bagel… and a whole lot of scripture! So many people...
Spoiler Alert: Your Dream Is Possible!
Elaine Davis, , Elaine Davis, belief, believer, Bella Blvd, Bella Boulevard, bible journaling, decisions, dream, dreams, Elaine Davis, faith, Illustrated Faith, Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd, Illustrated Faith Praise Book, journaling Bible, life choices, Mark, miracles, mixed media, New Testament, power of prayer, praise book, Prayer, struggle, 4Hello friends! Today’s food for thought is a bit more lengthy than most of my articles, but I promise...
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