Being excited about Fall is something we can all related to! At least for me anyways. The best parts...
Doodles to Live By Day 4: Rise & Shine!
Elaine Davis, , Elaine Davis, art worship, bible journaling, clouds, dayspring, DaySpring devotional kit, Devotional, devotional kit, doodles to live by, Elaine Davis, faith journaling, gratitude, Illustrated Faith, Illustrated Faith by DaySpring, monthly devotional, morning, Psalms, quiet time, rise & shine, scripture, time with God, 0Well let me just say that you lovelies have been filling me with SO much inspiration every single day...
Spiritual Gifts – Created to Create
Janel MacLean, , Janel MacLean, acrylic paint, art journaling Bible, Bella Blvd, Bella Boulevard, created to create, creativity, Devotional, Genesis Collection, Illustrated Faith, Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd, Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd Genesis Collection, monthly devotional, spiritual gifts, Stamp, stamping, Testimony, 1Let’s talk about Spiritual Gifts! Do you know what your’s are? When I first became a member of the...
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