Funny how these things work. Several weeks ago Shanna asked me to choose a topic to share on the...
Tag Archive for: journaling Bible
What’s Inside? Lessons in Bible Journaling
Tawni Sattler, , Illustrated Faith, Tawni Sattler, art journal, art journaling Bible, art worship, authenticity, Bella Blvd, Bella Boulevard, bible journaling, creativity, encouragement, faith, faith journaling, Illustrated Faith, Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd, Journaling, journaling Bible, keeping it real, Matthew, Matthew 5:2-12, messy bible, messy life, mixed media, Scrapbooking, Tawni Sattler, the Beatitudes, Truth, 0Hey, friends. It’s a bittersweet post, this one, because it’s my last as a member of the Creative Team...
A History of My Illustrated Faith
Natalie Elphinstone, , Natalie Elphinstone, bible journaling, journaling Bible, Video, 22I refuse to use the term ‘it is with a heavy heart’ because that statement would just simply be...
The Word Stands Alone | Video Tutorial
Natalie Elphinstone, , Natalie Elphinstone, Tips & Techniques, journaling Bible, mixed media, process video, Tutorial, Video, watercolors, 1Have you seen the new Illustrated Faith watercolour paint set in the Day Spring shop? It’s totally my new...
He Gives More Grace
Tawni Sattler, , Tawni Sattler, art journal, art journaling Bible, art worship, Basic Collection, Bella Blvd, Bella Boulevard, bible journaling, creativity, faith, faith journaling, grace, Illustrated Faith, Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd, Illustrated Faith Stamps, James, Journaling, journaling Bible, leading, ministry, Scrapbooking, service, Tawni Sattler, worldliness, worship, worship music, 6Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend...
Our Protector | Isaiah 41:10
Tawni Sattler, , Tawni Sattler, art journal, art journaling Bible, art worship, Basic Collection, Bella Blvd, Bella Boulevard, bible journaling, creativity, Devotional, encouragement, faith, faith journaling, Illustrated Faith, Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd, Illustrated Faith Stamps, Isaiah 41:10, Journaling, journaling Bible, Prayer, protection, Scrapbooking, Stamp, strength, Tawni Sattler, 0‘Do not fear , for I am with you; Do not be afraid, for I am your God. I...
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