Sunday is a day of worship, praise, & rest to prepare for the week to come. To help start...
When the Words Don’t Come to You, Pray Anyway
Elaine Davis, , Elaine Davis, Illustrated Faith, bible art, bible journaling, comfort, dayspring, devo kit, Devotional, devotional kit, Elaine Davis, faith journaling, friends, friendship, Illustrated Faith, persevere, pray, Prayer, words, 0I started digging into the new devotional kit, Persevere, last week! I know not everyone in the community knows...
Scrapbook His Faithfulness with Print & Pray!
Elaine Davis, , Elaine Davis, Print & Pray Shop, acrylic paint, answered prayers, Bella Blvd, bible journaling, faith journaling, faithfulness, friendship, hybrid journaling, hybrid scrapbooking, Illustrated Faith, illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd Seeds of Faith, Memory Keeping, mixed media, print & pray shop, print.pray.paste., scrapbook page, Scrapbooking, 1Happy Tuesday pretty people! Raise your hand if you’re a scrapbooker. *raises both hands!* Scrapbooking was my first love. At...
Say Hello to (in)courage!
Elaine Davis, , Illustrated Faith, (in)courage, bible journaling, collaboration, dayspring, Devotional, friendship, human connections, Illustrated Faith, partnership, 0Hey sweets! I hope you’re all having an AMAZING week seeing all the new releases & praising Him for all...
Do You Have A Loyal Friend? | Proverbs 17:17
Heather Greenwood, , Heather Greenwood, friendship, Illustrated Faith Blessings or Lessons, Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd, mixed media, Proverbs 17:17, 5When I signed myself up on the editorial calendar for this day almost a month and a half ago,...
Human Connections | a process video
Andrea Gray, , Andrea Gray, Blessings or Lessons, friendship, human connections, Illustrated Faith Devotional Kit, pocket page, stamping, 3Hey friends! Today I am working on a pocket page using supplies and the message from the latest devotional...
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