Hello Sweet Friends! I wanted to create something simple with just paper and die cuts. Sometimes I feel we...
Setting up your Faith Planner
Florence Antonette, , Florence Antonette, addict, florence antonette, girl, Illustrated Faith, livelifeandcreate, plan with me, planner, Scrapbooking, 3I am so very excited for this post. It has been a long time waiting. Many of you may...
Praise Book- Pray. Color. Repeat
Florence Antonette, , Florence Antonette, faith, faith journal, faith journaling, florence antonette, god, Illustrated Faith, Journaling, livelifeandcreate, praise book, 1The Praise Book is finally here!! You know when a new product comes out you’re extremely excited to get...
Daily Devotional + Creative Journaling
Florence Antonette, , Florence Antonette, Bella Blvd, day spring, faith journaling, florence antonette, god, Illustrated Faith, Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd, Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd Whatever Is Lovely Collection, livelifeandcreate, process video, strength, Video, 3The Travelers Notebook is definitely my favorite! These little booklets hold joy near and dear to my heart and...
Bible Journaling Video – Healing + Groove
Florence Antonette, , Florence Antonette, bible, bible journaling, creative team, design team, faith, florence antonette, god, heal, healing, Illustrated Faith, Journaling, livelifeandcreate, process video, Video, 4Hello Friends! I wanted to share a process video in my Bible Journal. Some of you may or may not...
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