It’s a PARTY!!! Why am I celebrating? Because I’m so blessed & HAPPY about the love I receive from...
Tag Archive for: Elaine Davis
Use What You Have: Fruit Produce Stickers
Elaine Davis, , Elaine Davis, Print & Pray Shop, Book of Galatians, digital download, digital set, Elaine Davis, fruit, fruit of the spirit, fruits of the spirit, Galatians, gospel, hybrid, hybrid journaling, Kingdom of God, print & pray shop, Printables, unconventional supplies, use what you have, 1It’s PRINT & PRAY FEATURE WEEK here on the blog!!! *activate confetti cannon!* And I’m excited to share the...
Doodles to Live By Day 4: Rise & Shine!
Elaine Davis, , Elaine Davis, art worship, bible journaling, clouds, dayspring, DaySpring devotional kit, Devotional, devotional kit, doodles to live by, Elaine Davis, faith journaling, gratitude, Illustrated Faith, Illustrated Faith by DaySpring, monthly devotional, morning, Psalms, quiet time, rise & shine, scripture, time with God, 0Well let me just say that you lovelies have been filling me with SO much inspiration every single day...
Good to Grow, A Lesson from Job
Elaine Davis, , Elaine Davis, Print & Pray Shop, bible journaling, Book of Job, Elaine Davis, faith journaling, fresh start, hybrid, hybrid journaling, Illustrated Faith, print & pray shop, print.pray.paste., Printables, righteousness, 1I’m 29 years old. That’s basically 30. (ugh! #amiright?) I’ve been on this Earth almost 30 years. that seems...
Doodles To Live By Round Up!
Shanna Noel, , Illustrated Faith, Shanna Noel, acrylic paint, Bella Blvd, Bella Boulevard, bible journaling, bible journaling kit, creativity, dayspring, Devotional, doodles to live by, Elaine Davis, faith journaling, Featured Artist, Illustrated Faith, Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd, Journaling, journaling Bible, mixed media, Stamp, Testimony, 1Hiya sweet friends! WOWZAHS!!!! Elaine and I have just been LOVING watching you work through the Doodles To Live...
What Makes a God Girl?: Proverbs 31
Elaine Davis, , Elaine Davis, Print & Pray Shop, bible journaling, Book of Proverbs, characteristics, Christian woman, creativity, Elaine Davis, ephemera, faith journaling, girls, God Girl, hybrid, hybrid journaling, Illustrated Faith, print & pray shop, Printables, Proverbs 31, Proverbs 31 Woman, stamping, tip-in, woman, women, 1Hiya all you God Girls (& Guys)! Are y’all doing anything creative today!? I’ve been in my Bible ALL...
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Jesus- Our Perfect Friend
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Hi Friend Scallops
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Sketchbook Scriptures: Romans 8:28
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