Hiya sweet friends! WOWZAHS!!!! Elaine and I have just been LOVING watching you work through the Doodles To Live...
What’s in my bible journaling bag | retreat edition !!!
Shanna Noel, , Illustrated Faith, Shanna Noel, acrylic paint, art journaling Bible, Bella Blvd, bible journaling, bible journaling bag, dayspring, Devotional, faith journaling, Illustrated Faith, Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd, Journaling, journaling Bible, mixed media, Scrapbooking, Stamp, Testimony, Tutorial, Video, watercolor, watercolors, 3Hey there cutie! I wanted to share with your what I packed up to use for a recent bible...
Some fun tips for painting in your bible!
Shanna Noel, , Illustrated Faith, Shanna Noel, Tips & Techniques, acrylic paint, art journaling Bible, art worship, artist, Basic Collection, Bella Blvd, bible journaling, creativity, dayspring, Devotional, Illustrated Faith, Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd, Journaling, mixed media, Tutorial, Video, 1Hiya friend!! Welcome back, and if you are new around here welcome to Illustrated Faith! I am having an...
New Bible Journaling Goodies | Win It Before You Can Buy It | Basics Collection !!
Shanna Noel, , Illustrated Faith, Shanna Noel, art journaling, basics collection, Bella Blvd, bible, bible journaling, bible study, dayspring, Illustrated Faith, Journaling, mixed media, Scrapbooking, 150Hey there cutie I have some fun bible journaling goodies to share with you today!!! I hope you are...
Craving Connections Bible Journaling Kit Is HERE!!!
Shanna Noel, , Illustrated Faith, Shanna Noel, (in)courage, bible, bible journaling, Craving Connection, dayspring, journaling Bible, mixed media, washi tape, 4YAY!!!! Today is the day!!! We have been promoting this exciting team up for a couple days now and...
Say Hello to (in)courage!
Elaine Davis, , Illustrated Faith, (in)courage, bible journaling, collaboration, dayspring, Devotional, friendship, human connections, Illustrated Faith, partnership, 0Hey sweets! I hope you’re all having an AMAZING week seeing all the new releases & praising Him for all...
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