Who’s excited to get the brand new IF devotional kit Mark Maker in your hands!? (I’m sorry, but at...
Simple Journal Pages using Printables
Elaine Davis, , Elaine Davis, Print & Pray Shop, 1 Timothy, art journaling, bible journaling, easy faith journaling, faith journaling, Illustrated Faith, journal, off the page, out of the margins, projects, simple, stories, tell your story, 0Do you keep a journal? I do. I’ve filled notebooks since I was old enough to hold a pen, but...
Watercolor Tutorial | Leaning In – Be Still
Amy Bruce, , Amy Bruce, Illustrated Faith, alphabet stickers, art journaling, Be Still, bible journaling, Bible Journaling and Gesso, Illustrated Faith Bella Blvd, Mathew, paperclips, Tutorial, watercolor tutorial, watercolors and bible journaling, waves, White Paint Pens and Watercolors, 10Greetings Beloved Illustrated Faith Family! As I prayed about this month’s posts, I asked the Lord to place in...
New Bible Journaling Goodies | Win It Before You Can Buy It | Basics Collection !!
Shanna Noel, , Illustrated Faith, Shanna Noel, art journaling, basics collection, Bella Blvd, bible, bible journaling, bible study, dayspring, Illustrated Faith, Journaling, mixed media, Scrapbooking, 150Hey there cutie I have some fun bible journaling goodies to share with you today!!! I hope you are...
Setting up for December Bible Journaling !!! * video *
Shanna Noel, , Illustrated Faith, Shanna Noel, acrylic paint, Advent, art journaling, bible journaling, Christmas, devotional kit, Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd, Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd CHRISTmas, mixed media tutorial, stamping, tis the season devotional, traveler's notebook, washi tape, 2Hi there friends!! We are a couple days into December now and I am SUPER excited about bible journaling...
Mixed Media Tutorial – Devotional Preparations
Heather Greenwood, , Heather Greenwood, acrylic paint, Advent, art journaling, Christmas, devotional kit, Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd, Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd CHRISTmas, mixed media tutorial, stamping, tis the season devotional, traveler's notebook, washi tape, 7Can you believe it’s the end of November already and tomorrow we start going through the 25 day Advent...
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