Sunday is a day of worship, praise, & rest to prepare for the week to come. To help start your week on the right note, we have a little inspiration for you! Think about this quote & hopefully it will spark some inspiration in you so you can better serve Him in the coming days. We hope your Sunday is full of peace & mindfulness as you focus on all that He is!
Sunday Inspiration from Psalm 4:7
Print and Pray Hybrid Bible Journaling | Forgiven and Free | Matthew 6
Rebecca Jensen, , guest bloggers, Illustrated Faith, Print & Pray Shop, Becca Jensen, bible journaling, Brianna Showalter, Forgiven and Free, guest blogger, hybrid bible journaling, Illustrated Faith Print and Pray, print and pray, 0
Hi friends! My name is Becca and you may know me from instagram as @writergirl5786! I am so very...
Mixed Media Bible Journaling Tutorial – Gelli Plate Stamping | Tied Up With a Ribbon – Psalm 37:4-5
Heather Greenwood, , Heather Greenwood, Illustrated Faith, Tips & Techniques, acrylic paint, Bible Journaling Tutorial, Confetti Devotional Kit, Gelli Plate, Illustrating Bible, mixed media bible journaling, 0
Hi friends! Who has had a chance to dive into the Confetti devotional? I knew right away I just...
Amanda Cabrera | I’ve got to level with you….
Amanda Cabrera, , Amanda Cabrera, Illustrated Faith, Bella Boulevard, Genesis Collection, Illustrated Faith, Journaling, Share, Testimony, 9
Hello Lovelies! I wanted to take a minute today and just level with you. This may be some of...
Janel MacLean | Adoption Rocks!
Janel MacLean, , Illustrated Faith, Janel MacLean, Featured Artist, Journaling, Share, Tutorial, 5
If I had to tell you all of the ways that my life has been blessed by Illustrated Faith,...
Illustrated Faith Podcast | Flint Gypsies
Shanna Noel, , Illustrated Faith, Shanna Noel, bible journaling, illustrated faith podcast, Podcast, teaching bible journaling, 0
Yay!! It’s Friday and we have a new podcast for you today! I am so excited to share this...
Andrea Gray | Ocean Floor Process Video
Andrea Gray, , Andrea Gray, Illustrated Faith, Bella Boulevard, Featured Artist, Genesis Collection, 5
In my early days as a new believer, my boss gave me a CD with his favorite modern Christian...
Print and Pray Bible Journaling | Faithful Journey | Deuteronomy 31:6
Rebecca Jensen, , guest bloggers, Illustrated Faith, Print & Pray Shop, faithful journey, hybrid bible journaling, print and pray, Rebecca Jensen, 0
“Be strong and courageous; don’t be terrified or afraid of them. For the Lord your God is the one...
Natalie Elphinstone | Christmas Cards Process Video
Natalie Elphinstone, , Illustrated Faith, Natalie Elphinstone, Bella Boulevard, Featured Artist, Video, 1
I’ve got some last-minute Christmas cards still on my to-do list so I’m keeping them simple. With some color...
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