Over the past few weeks, I’ve been sharing with you some ideas for getting creative with your faith outside of your bible, which I hope you have been finding useful, especially if you haven’t been able to get your hands on a journaling bible yet. Today, I’d like to share with you a third idea along the same lines.

I don’t know about you but my knowledge of the bible is pretty shocking, especially given that I’ve been a Christian for 16 years! I wish I was one of those people who could just recall verses for specific situations either to give myself peace or to bring comfort to others. Lately, I’ve been thinking about how I could get better at learning bible verses off by heart and it was because of this that today’s project came about.


I wanted to think of a way that would allow me to really cement a single verse in my mind that could be repeated for further bible verses when I feel ready to learn a new one. I’d read that writing out the verses multiple times often works for some people and I do remember that when I’ve needed to learn things in the past, I’ve written things out on index cards and highlighted, colour-coded and underlined important information. The act of writing something out can often result in remembering it more easily. But for learning bible verses, I knew I wanted to get a bit more creative than that! I pulled out a Project Life® card (I have more than I’ll ever use for my scrapbooking album so I’m always looking for other ways I can use them up anyway!) and went to town with some stamps, embossing powder, Illustrated Faith goodies and some chipboard pieces to create a bible verse flash card!


While I was creating the card, I kept repeating the bible verse over and over in my head and I found that because the process of creating each word was slower than if I just wrote it with a pen, and I therefore had to think really carefully about what the next word in the verse was, I had learned it off by heart by the time I was finished! I’m planning to keep the card out on my desk for a few days to make sure it’s really firm in my memory before creating another one. In time, I hope to have a whole little collection of these cards that I can go to if I need to look up a verse on a particular topic but I can’t quite remember it. I love how perfect the tabs from the Genesis kit are for sticking at the top of my cards as a reference!


If you’ve got any suggestions for some bible verses that you think I really ought to know by heart, then please do let me know in the comments! I’m determined to get to know the Word more!


Illustrated Faith Genesis Collection by Bella Blvd stickers and pen | Illustrated Faith Worthy Stamp Set featuring Soulscripts

  1. Susan 10 years ago

    PTL for once again reading my mind and answering another question. Actually 2 in 1. Just received the awesome Whatever is Lovely kit and wondering how to use the Bible books stickers…..perfect answer here. Also had been wondering how to combine IF and my stash of journaling cards. Thank you everyone at IF for your continuing creative ideas. God bless you all.

  2. Katie 10 years ago

    I really like your idea of Bible verse index cards! How clever! Ans so much quicker to find a verse when you really need it.

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