Hi there campers! Welcome to Revival Camp 2018! We are excited for another summer of big praise hands, beautiful bibles and a whole lotta Jesus! We are so excited to see what Jesus has in store for us this summer and to EXPLORE His beautiful word together! We have reached out to some amazing ladies in our community to serve as your camp leaders (writers) to lead to through the wonderful adventure of Revival Camp 2018! This page will serve as your home base for Revival Camp with devotional and video updates!

You can find your Revival Camp kits here

( YES !!!! We have camp kits this year, we are SOOO excited too!!! ) 

We will release one kit a month for the next three months ( for 3 kits total) working ALL the way through camp!! 



Visit the Revival Camp Section of the Print & Pray Shop here! 

Below you will find each devotional theme along with a video

to corresponding! Check back for updated content! xo – Welcome to camp!!!



Hiya Campers!  This is Revival Camp 2018 and you have quite an adventure awaiting you! There are mountains to climb, creeks to throw rocks into, and camp songs ’round the fire. You know how a camp has so many fun trails to explore, and you never know what you’ll find around the next bend? Well, Revival Camp is much the same way but just like you, this is a one-of-a-kind camp. You’ll be diving in and exploring God’s Word in many unique ways. My prayer for you is that you’ll explore and discover so much more about our God who loves you like crazy as you spend time in His Word this month Here’s a verse I recently dove into and just love! Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you believe so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.


Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you believe so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. 

Let’s break it down:


Isn’t it great that He’s a God of hope! Seems much better than
serving a God of despair, a God of fear, or a God of “it ain’t
gonna happen!”

fill YOU with all JOY AND PEACE

Isn’t it wonderful that our God of hope fills us with joy and peace!
Again, He’s not filling us with bitterness and backbiting. It’s His
joy and peace. And He doesn’t just give us a little…He fills us!


I can’t think of anyone else I’d rather believe in. Let’s see, if I
believe Him, He will fill me with joy and peace? Sounds like a
good swap to me.


I’m starting to get the feeling that our God doesn’t want to give
us just a little joy, peace, and hope. He wants to fill us and He
wants it to OVERFLOW to others!

by the power of the Holy Spirit.

So what’s going to make all this joy, peace, and hope stuff
happen? The greatest power in the universe!

This month as we explore the Word, we’ll learn more about the
power of prayer, the importance of fellowship, and having a
heartbeat for God! I’m so excited to camp out with you in the
Word this month. I pray you, too, are filled with His joy, basking
in His peace, and His hope overflows in you today!


Psalm 18:6 (HCSB)

Women are do-ers. When a friend is in need, we cook, clean, take care of their kiddos, run
errands, or hold their hand. We feel most helpful when we are doing.
Today, I had a reminder of how much we value the do. As I write this, my daughter Emily is
serving as a missionary in Africa. This afternoon, her best friend’s father is undergoing a heart
procedure. Emily longs to be at the hospital with the family. She wants to do the best friend
duties, but eight thousand miles keep her from holding a hand or making a snack & coffee run.

There’s only one thing she can do. Pray.

I began to understand the value of pray over do when my younger daughter Ashley was in
second grade. Our little girl was an angel… everywhere except at home. I didn’t know what to
do with her. One day, the Lord cleared my schedule, & I realized it was for one reason. To pray. I
lay face down on our living room floor, crying & praying for Ashley. After school, I sat her on the
couch & prayed over her. That day she was drenched in her mama’s prayers. The
transformation wasn’t immediate, but there was a shift in her behavior.

Because of prayer.

Ashley’s turn-around wasn’t the result of my amazing parenting skills. Our daughter’s life
changed forever because I prayed. God heard my cry. The gap between our lips and His ears is
the shortest distance in all of creation. And not only does He hear us, but 1 John 5:14–15
reminds us that when we ask according to His will, we have what we’ve asked for. “God, I want
Ashley to follow you all the days of her life.” His will. “Father, comfort my friend & his family
during this time.” His will. We cry out, God hears, and He sees to it.

Emily may not be able to hold her friend’s hand, but she can cry out to God and place her friend
in His hands. Through the peace & comfort of the Holy Spirit, her prayer is more effective than her do.

Our prayers are powerful. Nothing moves God more than His people praying. Because of this,
prayer is not a last resort. Prayer is the best do. Let’s begin our journey of Revival Camp 2018
with prayer. As you speak to God, take time to listen as He whispers to your heart.

1. Are you a do-er? How can you turn the desire to do into prayer?
2. Think about a situation in your life or in the life of someone you love. Do you feel anxious?
Philippians 4:6 tells us how to deal with these situations. Read this passage and then
present your requests to God.


Ecclesiastes 4:12; Romans 16:17-18

The day I gave my life to Christ, the message happened to be about fellowship. I knew what the
word meant on the surface, but I wanted to know the underlying meaning.

Fellowship simply means people coming together to pursue a common interest. Sounds simple
right? My first experience in church fellowship was not as a pleasant one. The church
environment I found myself in was critical, judgmental, and superficial. I became so discouraged
and felt it wasn’t for me. The truth is, sometimes we need to be aware of our surroundings and
know when to walk away. Romans 16:17-18 talks about these things, verse 18 reads, “By
smooth talk & flattery they deceive the minds of naïve people.” Can you relate? The enemy
always uses such schemes to keep us from God’s plan. The enemy uses the people closest to
us to tempt & distance us from God.

It was so easy for me to be independent & not partake in fellowship. I had Jesus, my bible, my
family— in essence, no one that could become a wedge between God & me. But in time, what I
found was that I didn’t have someone to support me through my infertility or the loss of my
parents. My life was a broken car in need of parts. I needed a God-centered community around
me. I needed them to fight for me when I was too tired to pray. I needed them to listen &
encourage me when doubt creeped in. “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend
themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken” (Ecclesiastes 4:12). God, Jesus, & the
Holy Spirit are a cord of three that cannot be broken. He is a God of community & lives it out in
every aspect of His being. He has always ruled with Jesus & the Holy Spirit by His side. God
has never been alone. Jesus, who did life with His twelve disciples, also relied on fellowship.
Fellowship must be God-centered in order to be effective. Man cannot give, fulfill, or extend
what God gives. Fellowship was never intended to supersede or surpass God. Jesus knew this
principle, & taught the disciples the importance of this by stepping away & taking time to be filled
by the Father.

Where there is Love, there will be Hurt. Jesus was not spared of hurt fellowship. His disciples
loved Him, yet Peter DENIED Him (Matt 26:69-75). Judas BETRAYED Him (Luke 22:3-6). And
Thomas DOUBTED Him (John 20:25-28). Jesus encountered the very same things we do in our
fellowship today. We must bear with each other & forgive one another as the Lord has forgiven
us. The mark of true fellowship is not the absence of conflict, but the presence of a reconciling
spirit. Jesus knew that fellowship with the Father was one where NO DENIAL, NO BETRAYAL,
and NO DOUBT existed.

So I ask, If Jesus relied on the Father for all things, how much more should we?


Nehemiah 2:4-8, 4:6-9, 4:19-20, 6:9
I used to feel tugging at my heart to do something to help other abuse survivors. Eventually I
realized God wanted me to help others successfully survive the same way He helped me. I
began to make plans for a youth & adult women program. The plans on paper looked
phenomenal! The plans in my heart look like failure. I doubted I would have the money to start

these initiatives; I didn’t believe help would be provided; I didn’t feel wise or strong enough in
the scriptures to advocate for this cause. As a result of a lot of negative self talk, I aborted the
A Bible study that followed my experience was the book of Nehemiah. Beginning as a cupbearer
to the king, he sought out to do what tugged on his heart. He did not leave with anything but the
king’s blessings. He didn’t start with a full bank account & he only had a few go with him. Yet, he
fulfilled the mission & rebuilt the wall of Jerusalem with almost the entire city & foreigners
supporting him!
Afterward, I realized that I am a modern day Nehemiah—a heartbeat for God. I experienced the
tugging on my heart, had the King’s (God’s) blessings, didn’t start my programs with a full bank
account, & my “team” was my husband. Today, because God tugged on my heart, my programs
collectively are over a decade old… & I am STILL rebuilding the wall!
The condition of the heart is critical. The heart pumps blood throughout the body, supplies
oxygen & nutrients to the tissues, & removes wastes. The heart also receives blood from the
body & pumps it to the lungs. That’s a lot of work for such a small organ! Why would God give
something so small so much authority over an entire body?
God carefully crafted the human heart to emulate our lives in him. The heart (us) should pump
blood that God shed for us, but some hearts pump doubt, worry, & fear. We sing that the “blood
gives us strength“ & “never loses its power” but if we examine the whispers of our heart, do we
truly believe this?
We are the hearts and organs of the earth—small, but given great authority to supply to the
body (help those in need), pump God’s blood (share God’s love with the world), remove waste
(teach against sin) & receive more blood (be empowered by God daily through prayer, fasting &
meditation to continue His work).
We are God’s heartbeat! God put us on Earth so that the body could function. My personal
function (purpose) is to lead those who have survived abuse. Your function may be different.
Whatever the mission, the body of Christ needs us in order to survive! We don’t have time to be
doubtful because we have blood to pump.
Do a heart check today—ensure you are pumping the blood of Christ & that you believe in what
you’ve been purposed to do.
Love you, LaQuisha
1. Do you examine yourself? (Psalm 26:2)
2. Do you allow God’s peace to overtake you? (Philippians 4:7)
3. Do you fully give yourself to God? (Proverbs 23:26)


Psalm 19:7-8, 119:105; Mark 8:35; Ephesians 3:20, 6:10-17; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; James 1:5

“Wanna go to Paris?” my mom asked me over the phone one day, “I’m going to run in the Paris
I said sure thinking the trip would never come to fruition (sorry mom). But over the next
several months as my mother trained to run 26.2 miles in the City of Light, I found myself
shopping for airfare to DeGaulle airport & planning our adventure abroad. Whether we’re
training for a marathon, going on a trip, or saying “yes, Lord” to a call He’s placed on our heart,
it is important to prepare.
Now, preparing to write about how to prepare for something is kind of meta. So I thought about
how I get ready for a trip, or how I prepared when I felt God’s leading me to facilitate a brand
new women’s Bible study in my house. And, methodical gal that I am, I broke it down into steps.
Who doesn’t love a good checklist? Ok, maybe not one filled with chores, but how about one
that can help ready ourselves as we set off on an exciting, challenging, & rewarding journey with
our Creator & Savior? Let’s go!
*Reach up & pray. Again. Let’s put to good use the access we have to His throne room,
purchased by the blood of Christ. God wants to hear from us & generously gives wisdom to
those who ask (James 1:5).
*Read up! God’s Holy Word is our road map (Psalm 119:105) & handbook (Psalm 19:7-8) “that
we may be thoroughly equipped for every good work,” (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
*Suit up! I am all about having the appropriate outfit for any occasion. And for this adventure
there is a timeless, one-size-fits-all ensemble that will help us stand firm against the enemy’s
schemes (Ephesians 6:10-17).
*Give it up! (Mark 8:35) Hands open, let’s surrender this call to God for His glory. After all, He is
able to do immeasurably more than we could ever imagine (Ephesians 3:20)!
This is not necessarily a one-and-done checklist. Maybe you’ll need to pray more or linger
longer in the Word. I know my focus can tend to shift inward & I need to (repeatedly) lay my
mission back down at His feet. So be attuned to the Holy Spirit’s leading here.
Before I set out to open my home to a new community of women, I prayed. I asked God to show
me if this is what He wanted. The next morning He used a guest speaker at our Sunday worship
service to all but say “Yes, Jill.” Then I went to His Word & each time I sat down to study He
directed me to passages that would equip me to facilitate the Bible study. Outfitted with the
shield of faith, those fiery arrows meant to distract me from His kingdom work were
extinguished. When I became discouraged, I realized that I was trying to accomplish things in
my power & on my timetable & immediately released my grip. He is the One making
transformations here!
And in case you were wondering, my mom totally rocked that marathon, finishing like a champ
with a medal around her neck. It is still one of my most memorable trips, & I’m glad we were

1. What are some things you need to guard against as you prepare to set out on this call God
has placed on your life?
2. Can you think of any other helpful, mission-specific ways to prepare for what He’s called you

Psalm 119:133; 143:8; Proverbs 16:9

I love road trips & hikes, but I’m never the one in charge of the map. Snack planner? Yes, put
me in charge of that! Entertainment coordinator? I’ve got the playlists, audiobooks, & podcasts

covered. But the route— I’ll gladly leave someone else to plan out the trip. Even with turn-by-
turn directions, I will hand over the GPS to someone else in a hot second. Which is why I can’t

believe there’s a free map program on my phone that can tell me exactly where to go & how to
get there– it’s an endless supply of directions to wherever I want to go!
When I started working in an unfamiliar part of town, I used this app every day. I didn’t know the
area & I was afraid I’d get lost. There’s something about that soothing robot voice that calmed
my anxiety. You’d think after a few days I’d get the hang of things & learn my way home, but I
had a bad habit of turning wherever I wanted to avoid traffic. I almost felt sorry for the poor map
robot, continually rerouting me around town. Subsequently, I learned 149823758-ish new ways
to get home every night. It’s probably all starting to make sense why I’m never in charge of the
directions, unless my passengers would like a scenic tour instead of a direct flight.
In Psalm 143, it says, “Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.” Last year, I
faced a big life change when I was job hunting. I knew God had something picked out for me,
but I just needed to trust Him. I applied to job openings, prayed, & asked my friends to pray. I
kept reminding God, “Hey, God. Just wanted to check in with you on that job thing.” I was
persistent. He would just reply, “It’s not ready yet.”
Two months after an interview for a job I didn’t get, I got a call. There was an opening at the
company I wanted to work for. I didn’t get the job I initially applied for, but after learning more
about that position; I knew why I didn’t get it. It wasn’t right. But this new job was a perfect fit.
If you’re facing a decision, big or little, God wants you to bring it to Him. Don’t worry; you’re not
bothering Him. It says in Philippians 4 to pray about everything. Take your request to Him now.
Tell Him you trust Him in His time.
1. How has God directed your steps lately? Tell about a time God gave you a path & you
followed it.
2. Do you get discouraged when you don’t know the route ahead of time? Tell God you trust
His timing & His route.

Psalm 37:5 (AMP)

Dearest friends, we are all on a journey. A journey exploring & walking out who we were
designed to be & the purposes & places God has woven into our hearts (Psalm 139:14-16).
The Lord tells us when we commit our way to Him, He will establish our journey.
“Commit your way to the Lord; Trust in Him also and He will do it,” (Psalm 37:5 AMP).
Oh, such good words!
But that word, commit. It’s a bit scary. How do we walk that out? What do we do if we don’t see
a way to walk out what God is asking us to do?
I found myself in this place several years ago. I refer to it as “the shoreline.” The journey began
when God clearly told me to lay down what I was investing myself in & to move toward new
plans, a new call on my life. He whispered, “I am doing a NEW thing,” (Isaiah 43:19). And so,
after a bit of wrestling, I let go of what I knew in favor of the unknown. I began the path of
committing to His call of a NEW thing.
I stood on the shoreline of a vast unknown body of water. My hands were somewhat empty as I
had been obedient to lay down what He asked me to let go of. Provisions were short, little
money, little resources, & little direction. I found myself looking into a vast body of water &
knowing somewhere on the horizon was His call for the next season of my life.
My heart was beating in excitement & racing with a bit of fear. My eyes roamed the waves for a
boat to come pick me up & take me to God’s new place of purpose for my life. But…no boat. I
looked at the huge waves & I thought, “no way.” If I enter of my own strength & try to swim, I will
drown. For Heaven’s sake, I am not even sure where I am going! I looked for provision, maybe
a surf board or a raft? Maybe some sticks to build a bridge or a balloon string to grasp so I
could float to my destination? But… nothing. Then the Lord brought the story of the priests in
Joshua 3 to me & I had a vision of my bare feet, toes in the sand, water gently swooshing in &
out. And I knew, I just needed to walk into the water & trust Him.
The priests were God’s chosen leaders. They were the visible heart of the Lord to the Israelites.
As God called His people to a new land, they had to lead them with unwavering commitment to
God’s voice & call. Their job was to carry the ark of the covenant to the new land but the Jordan
stood in their way. God told Joshua to direct the priests to put their feet into the Jordan.
Scripture tells us as long as the soles of the priest’s feet were in the waters, the Lord caused the
powerful current to stand up & rise in a heap. The Lord cut the water off & the people of Israel
crossed over walking upon dry sand. But the key was, the priests had to step in the water first.
So with my toes in the sand of His Word & my jeans rolled up, I stepped into the water. Step by
step, walking in commitment to what I understood God’s next call on my life to be. And God held
back the waters & formed a dry path in front of me. My commitment began with faith & a simple
step forward into the unknown.

So if you have heard God call to you & you find yourself standing on the shoreline, take a
moment to read Joshua 3 & let God whisper to you. Maybe committing looks like stepping with
bare toes into the sea of the future.
1. Is God calling you to something NEW?
2. What “known” will you need to release in favor of the NEW “unknown?”
3. What steps is God asking you to take in faith & commitment? Does it involve stepping into
the water as the priests did in Joshua 3?

Isaiah 41:10, Joshua 1:9, Deuteronomy 31:6, John 14:27

Worship song: Oceans by Hillsong United

Did you know that “fear not” and/or “do not be afraid” are some of the most common phrases in
the Bible? Some say it’s commanded 365 times, one for each day of the year. In doing my
research, it’s likely even more times than that. How cool is that, though? Did you also know that
the command often comes with an action plan? My favorite is “Be strong & courageous.”
When my mom was first diagnosed with cancer, my anxiety went through the roof. I was scared!
I was scared of losing her. I was scared I was going to get cancer too & die young leaving my
kids behind. I was scared of others getting cancer & leaving me too soon, including my
husband. I was scared of what this would do to my Dad, & losing him too. Needless to say, I
was a hot mess.
As Christians, we’re supposed to look to Jesus ALWAYS, right? I didn’t & it took me several
days to finally be reminded. My mind was everywhere else BUT looking to Jesus. I was given a
vision that helped me get my eyes back on Him. It was of a hurricane. I was reminded that there
will always be storms around us. Some of those storms will be mild, & some of those storms will
be huge crashing waves. We have a choice! We can fight the storms alone & drown, or we can
ride in the middle of the storms where it’s calm. I took that vision even farther: I can choose to
ride in the middle of the storms with Jesus as my life jacket keeping me from drowning. It was a
reminder that being courageous means letting go of control & letting God do His thing.
I wish I could say that’s an easy thing to do. I think that’s why it says “be strong & courageous,”
instead of just “be courageous.”
I wish I could say that I was courageous when my mom was first diagnosed because it was a
tough year of worry & anxiety while she was doing her chemo & radiation treatments. But, I will
say that the final few months of her life were different. I don’t know if it’s because we knew
God’s plan had an end date on Earth, or what. It could be that I just saw so much strength &
courage in my Mom that she influenced us & those around her. I’m pretty sure it was the latter.
She was ready, with her huge smile to walk the streets of gold. I do know that because I had
given control to God, I had less fear. I was strong & courageous, not letting those huge waves
crash in on me.

The lesson I learned in watching my mom enter the arms of Jesus was that if I had chosen fear,
I would have missed out on the peace & joy I saw in my mom. The peace & joy that she
radiated & was so contagious. But, because I chose strength & courage, I had peace & joy
beyond any understanding. There is only one person who can give you true peace & joy like
that! It’s only with our salvation that we have access to it. It’s only because Jesus died in our
place that we can have that peace & joy that He radiates in & through us. Only Jesus can give
us the strength & courage we need to ride in the center of the storm. Only Jesus can be our life
jacket keeping us from drowning.
1. What are some storms in your life you need to let go of control?
2. What do you choose when you first hear bad news? Anxiety a& fear? Or immediate trust in
God for your strength & courage?
3. Are you hanging on to your life jacket or are you unbuckling & trying to swim on your own in
these storms going on around you?


2 Corinthians 12:8-10 (ESV)
Keep your chin up. Everything happens for a reason. Hold tight. This too shall pass. You got
this. Put on a brave face. Try not to think about it. Pick yourself up. It’s not the end of the world.
You’ve heard these little tidbits of standard advice before. I know they pretty much play on
repeat in my life from well-meaning family members. Sadly, I’m not sure any of those quips have
ever really done much to bolster my spirits when I’m facing a challenge. They’re always given to
you when you’re trudging through a low point. You’re in a dry, shadowed valley & someone
standing on a lush peak in the sunshine echos them down to you for encouragement.
Sometimes it can feel more like salt in a wound than actual help, right? But they mean well.
They really do.
I don’t want this devotion to paint a false picture— a chronicle about the challenges I’ve faced in
my life & how I rose to the occasion & was the very picture of a faithful woman of God. Because
that wouldn’t be entirely accurate. For one, it’s more of an ongoing process in my situation
(going on 7 years facing infertility). It’s an ebb & flow— a constant ballet of highs & lows. It’s not
an exact science. And for two, history shows that I don’t deal with tragedy or struggle all that
well. But who does, really?
But something I realized in one of my valleys is that in order for Him to be strong, we have to be
weak. Our struggles & trials are when He’s at His best (not that He’s not AWESOME all the
time!). It comforts me to know that my weakness is allowing our God to become even stronger
than we ever thought possible. Incomprehensible levels of love & strength & wisdom! His power
is made perfect in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). We don’t need anyone else in their peaks
to understand our struggle, sadness, worry, or fear because He understands. We don’t need to
absorb any well-meant but hollow advice because the Lord makes us whole in our emptiness.
Loving us is the best thing He does.

1. What tidbit of advice have you been given repeatedly in your life that leaves you feeling
even more defeated, frustrated, or hopeless? How can you apply that advice to 2
Corinthians 12:8-10 to remind yourself of what the Lord is doing in your challenge?
2. How does it make you feel to know that in your weakness, you’re being used to make His
power perfect?
3. What biblical truth can you give others (or to remind yourself!) that are walking through a

Romans 12:6-8; 1 Corinthians 12:8-10; 1 Peter 4:10-11
Leadership. Woah, friends… that’s a loaded topic, right!? Like, what qualifies a guy or gal to
claim that big ole’ title, & once claimed, what do we do with it? I’ll be completely honest: in my
mind, I’m no leader. I’m just me— a crazy, blue-haired chicken lady with a gaggle of children
underfoot & a proclivity to [over]share this bizarre life God has blessed me with. So when I
flipped my bible open to 1 Peter 4:10 & read God’s perspective on leadership, my little mind
was blown away. I am, indeed, a leader for God just by testifying daily to His goodness &
faithfulness in my own life.
Being a leader, especially a leader for the Kingdom of God, doesn’t mean that you have to have
a ton of Instagram followers or that you need to know all the bible verses by heart. (Although, if
you’ve memorized all 31,102 verses in The Good Book, friend, you are a leader of astounding
sorts!) Webster’s defines leadership as ‘the action of leading a group of people’, but God
defines leadership as using our talents & gifts that He specifically granted each of us in a way
that serves the body of Christ.
So, to the moms folding piles upon piles of laundry & cranking out granola bars & baby carrots
like nobody’s business…. God is using you to lead & serve all of those little people running
around (& sometimes driving you crazy).
To the blue-collar worker making barely more than minimum wage, but putting in those long
hours to feed yourself & your family…. God sees you & so do others. You are leading by
example as a good steward of the faithful plan God has set before you.
And to the addict recovering from a road less traveled, & even far less understood by the
majority…. your transparency & honesty in recovery is an incredible gift to the community
around you. God’s grace is real & you are leading others to Him by showing His power in your
Here’s the crux of it all, friends. God hasn’t created a single one of us without a talent or a gift
so graciously & perfectly embedded within. When we choose to live our lives for Him & to be
good stewards of the gifts He has granted, we rise above the daily muck to LEAD others, not
only FOR Him, but TO Him. What a privilege! What an honor!

1. Dig through the suggested verses regarding spiritual gifts & find one or two that resound in
your life as bequeathed by God. Pray over these gifts & ask God to show you how you can
lead in a way that is pleasing & glorifying to Him!

I’m so excited to talk Praise with y’all today! I mean, Praise is the fun stuff right?! I LOVE a

good foot-stomping-worship-hopping-jesus-rocking song or a hands-raised-eyes-closed-sway-
sway-sway song. I’m a worship girl! Then I thought back to a season of my life where I felt like

dry bones (Ezekiel 37:4). I spent most nights sobbing & crying out to God while I loaded the
dishwasher with my tired arms. The angry, frustrated words that rose out of anguish, “All I do is
clean & change diapers, God! As soon as I get something done it has to be done again! Why did
you give me this creativity if this is all I’d be doing forever!?” Life wasn’t turning out exactly how I
had dreamed & I had a bitter heart.
I didn’t feel much like singing then; my heart wasn’t in the words & they fell flat. It left me
wondering if the thrill of connecting with God would ever return. As I reflected on this season,
God whispered to my heart that maybe my worship wasn’t really gone, just different. This got
me asking God, “Is there more than one kind of way to praise You?” So I dug deeper &, did you
know, there are SEVEN different kinds of worship mentioned in the Bible!? I know, right!? I’m
super geeking out on this now!
1. Barak (baw-rak’)– bowing before the King
“Bless [Barak] the LORD, O my soul, & forget not all His benefits.” -Psalm 103:2
2. Halal (haw-lal’)– dance party with Jesus!
“And when she looked, there was the king standing by His pillar at the entrance, and the
captains and the trumpeters beside the king, and all the people of the land rejoicing and blowing
trumpets, and the singers with their musical instruments leading in the celebration [Halal]. And
Athaliah tore her clothes and cried, ‘Treason! Treason!’” -2 Chronicles 23:13
3. Shabach (shaw-bakh’)– God’s cheering section
“O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you;
my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you,
as in a dry & weary land where there is no water.
So I have looked upon You in the sanctuary,
beholding Your power & glory.
Because Your steadfast love is better than life,
my lips will praise [Shabach] You.
So I will bless [Barak] You as long as I live;
in your name I will lift up my hands.” -Psalm 63:1-4.
4. Tehillah (teh-hil-law’)– busting out in spontaneous song (I think singing to your Bible counts.)
“He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise [Tehilah] to our God. Many will see &
fear, & put their trust in the LORD.” -Psalm 34:1
5. Towdah (to-daw’)– all the praise hands, y’all
“And people shall come from the cities of Judah and the places around Jerusalem, from
the land of Benjamin, from the Shephelah, from the hill country, and from the Negeb, bringing
burnt offerings and sacrifices, grain offerings and frankincense, and bringing thank offerings
[Towdah] to the house of the LORD.” -Jeremiah 17:26

6. Yadah (yaw-daw’)– reaching out for God like a child reaching up for a parent
“Why are you cast down, O my soul, & why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God;
for I shall again praise [Yadah] Him, my salvation & my God.” -Psalm 43:5
7. Zamar (zaw-mar’)– praising God while rockin’ an instrument
“Sing to Him, sing praise [Zamar] to Him; tell of all his wonderful acts.” -1 Chronicles 16:9
1. Which type of praise comes most naturally to you? Reflecting back, do you see ways you
were praising God without even realizing it?
2. Are you stuck in a praise rut? Maybe there’s a style of praise you haven’t tried in a while (or
ever) & it’s time to break it out!
P.S. I also encourage you to check out the Blue Letter Bible site/app (www.blueletterbible.org).
You can search the verses I’ve included, then hit the “tools” button & it will show you the original
Hebrew. Click on the Strong’s Concordance number (“H” for Hebrew, “G” for Greek; followed by
a 4 digit number) & it will show you all the places it appears in scripture!

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