Happy Sunday friends, I am so glad you are here! As you may know I was at Influence Conference last week and am still soaking in all the information I took in. Whitney English was one of the speakers and when I sat on the floor of the overflowing conference room I knew I was in for a treat!

When Whitney spoke it went straight to my heart. This idea of finding foundation in your fault is something I have recently discovered. You see sharing with YOU that I wasn’t “into” my bible and didn’t feel a desire to read it before I started in my journaling bible. Sharing that with you guys was HARD, it left me in a vulnerable place. I was met at that vulnerable place with one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. The response has left me speechless at times, brought chills down my back several times a day and tears in my eyes a couple times a week.  Which is why I can’t do ANYTHING short of urging you to do the same! What is your fault, where can you build a foundation with God that no one can break?
Philippians 4:13
2 Corthians 12:9-10
1 John 1:9
Romans 5:3-5
I wanted to share my process this week on how I reflected on this and journaled about it: 

A couple side notes: You can see in the first images the heart on the right hand side, that is the first time I experienced bleed through and that was using a dye based ink, I have not experienced that with Staz-On or versamark. The kraft alpha stickers are from the Target dollar bin, SCORE! And the last image is showing you what the backside of the foundation page looks like. 
I am curious to see where you take this and if you find the same freedom in finding foundation in your faults. God loves you right where you are at, there is a reason you have the faults that you have. Just take a moment to soak it all in!

  1. Bonita Rose 10 years ago

    Love this page.. it’s just beautiful!!!!

  2. Kyetra 10 years ago

    Beautiful! I can’t wait to get started this month. My journaling bible will be here tomorrow.
    Also – what kind of paints do you use?

    • Shanna Noel 10 years ago

      Hiya Kystra!!!! YAY! how EXCITING! I use the kids watercolor set from Jo-Anns, Michael’s etc :) I think its $2,98

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