Radical Obedience - John 14:16-23 | Mixed Media Bible Journaling - Owl by Amy Bruce

Greetings Beloved Illustrated Faith Family –

Oh how you are loved!  You are loved by me and you are loved by our BIG God.  My heart overflows that He called me to share my creative journey with you and I hope above all things you know YOU are loved.

Watching Illustrated Faith grow and flourish over the past years has been pure joy.    Writing tutorials and blog posts has been a time of leaning in and eyes of focus on Jesus.  It has been a time of sewing, in love, the whispers of God.   It has been a time of awe in what God can do through one small, obedient woman.

Radical Obedience - John 14:16-23 | Mixed Media Bible Journaling - Owl by Amy Bruce

The feathers of flight often involve bold, radical obedience.  Stepping forward without sight into the unknown.  And God is SO GOOD.

I think all seasons of life hinge on our obedience.   Of stepping forward and letting go.  Of opening and closing.  Of walking through and closing a gate.  Moving with only the whisper of God.

About a month ago, I felt God’s whisper over my heart.  He was preparing me.  Telling me to create space and to hold loosely to all things.  He told me a new season was coming.

Every fleshly cell in my body wanted to clamp down and stomp my feet in defiance holding onto what I love and what I know.  The little girl in me wanted to cry out, “I have lost too much!  I don’t want to let go!”

In the end I knew I would choose obedience.  He is my One and Only, my Everything.  Without Him, I can do nothing of true eternal difference.   I love Him more than any worldly thing.   I know my blessings will always reside where He calls me.

John 14:16 in the Message tells us, “If you love me, show me by doing what I’ve told you…”

Take a glance at the green highlighted portions of John 14:16-23 below.

Radical Obedience - John 14:16-23 | Mixed Media Bible Journaling - Owl by Amy Bruce

Pretty clear.  Love Jesus.  Obey.   Do what Jesus tells us.  Follow Him.  The rest remains in His hands and His hands are full of the blessing of His presence.  Obedience results in blessings that spill out all over.

Two weeks ago while I was traveling, the Lord clarified His command to me, “Let go of Illustrated Faith.”  I cried.  I didn’t sleep that whole night.  Somewhere deep inside, I knew He was going to ask me to let go of writing tutorials for Illustrated Faith.   I sent the email to Shanna and Heather before dawn the next day.

Radical obedience does not delay.  Radical obedience says, “yes Lord” and walks forward in faith into the unseen.   It requires bold, raw courage.  Radical obedience is about letting go of a piece of your heart trusting that He has the best plan for you and those who you love.

Radical Obedience - John 14:16-23 | Mixed Media Bible Journaling - Owl by Amy Bruce

So my dear friends, I am letting go of writing tutorials.  This will be my last post on the Illustrated Faith blog.    Teaching you techniques and seeing you create and document your faith has been one of the most beautiful seasons of my life.   I want to thank you for including me in your creative time.

You are so loved by this girl.

Radical Obedience - John 14:16-23 | Mixed Media Bible Journaling - Owl by Amy Bruce

Keep creating.  Keep leaning in.  Choose radical obedience.   Choose to focus on Jesus and His Word.  His blessings and the feathers of flight will always be waiting for you there.

I don’t regret one second of my time with you, it was one of the best stretches of flying in radical obedience ever.

In His Light and Hope,

amy bruce

Illustrated Faith Blog Image - Supplies

Additional Supplies: Bella Blvd Wonky Alphas – Black | Black Alpha stickers – Misc | Neocolor II – greens and blues | Faber Castell Watercolor Pencils – Glaze Orange and Cobalt Green | Derwent Inktense – Spring Green, Field Green, Deep Indigo | Paper Clip and Yarn | Paco White Paint Pen | Sharpie White Paint Pen

1 Comment
  1. Jill Drangsholt 6 years ago

    Oh Amy you will be missed! Thank you for sharing your story of faithfully obeying Gods direction in your life. I hope to still see you over on Instagram. ?

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