Print and Pray hybrid Bible journaling process video by Jillian Ungerbuehler | Ears to Hear

Hiya, friends! Have you enrolled in the Fresh Focus online class? I am so excited to get started and had so much fun assembling my traveler’s notebook insert with the beautiful class materials! I am especially loving the way all of the Better Together artists’ releases coordinate with the class this month. When I set up my notebook I alternated between Elaine’s Go, Girl, Go patterned paper bundle, the class devo and journaling spots. I used the “Pray It” page multiple times throughout the book and decided that’s how I wanted to start this journey.

Before I dive right in (which, quite honestly, I am prone to do) to hear what the Lord has to say through April’s heartfelt words, I want to pray, asking where He wants me focused. What word or goals does He have for me? I want to seek His wisdom, because His plan is wonderful and His wisdom is magnificent (Isaiah 28:29)! I want ears to hear, and be quick to listen to His leading.

Print and Pray hybrid Bible journaling process video by Jillian Ungerbuehler | Ears to Hear

“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.” -James 1:5-6, NIV

We can confidently expect Him to give His wisdom, not through gritted teeth and clenched fists, but generously. What a sweet promise to savor! So Lord, what should our focus be this season? What do You have for us? I’m sure each one of us could drum up a list of goals and aspirations, but aren’t His plans so much better than our own?!

Print and Pray hybrid Bible journaling process video by Jillian Ungerbuehler | Ears to Hear

I hope you do join us as we work through Fresh Focus together! And you can be sure that the gorgeous printables included with the class could easily make their way onto additional pages throughout the year! I can’t wait to see where the Lord will lead each one of us, His beloved children, this year <3

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