Print & Pray Hybrid Bible Journaling by Elaine Davis using digital printables | Rough Waters

As a general rule, people resist change. Now, I like change in the sense that I like switching up my shampoo every now & then. But BIG changes? Not so much. I read a statistic that said the #1 reason why people resist change is fear of the unknown. What if something bad happens once the change hits? Things may not be great now, but at least nothing horrible is happening. What if I give up something that’s just ok for something HORRENDOUS? What if I give up a light drizzle for a hurricane? I’ll be swirling amidst a stormy sea, waves completely destroying the boat I worked so hard to build! Life changes can sometimes feel like it’s bringing on a storm, but if we would just let Jesus into our boat, we can make it through without capsizing.

Print & Pray Hybrid Bible Journaling by Elaine Davis using digital printables | Rough Waters

In Mark 6:45-52, we find the disciples at sea struggling against the stormy wind, trying to make their way to shore, when Jesus approaches them walking on the water.

“But when they saw Him walking on the sea they thought it was a ghost, & cried out, for they all saw Him & were terrified. But immediately He spoke to them & said, ‘Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid.’ And He got into the boat with them, & the wind ceased. And they were utterly astounded…” (Mark 6:49-51 ESV)

Print & Pray Hybrid Bible Journaling by Elaine Davis using digital printables | Rough Waters

The disciples were STRUGGLING. Struggling against natural forces, forces in their minds, & most of all against the enemy. When they saw Jesus walking on water, they were shocked– understandably! They thought he was a ghost & I’m sure were hesitant to let him into their boat. But the moment the Lord stepped aboard, there was calm. That wasn’t a coincidence! He brings calm, He brings peace, He brings resolution & love.

Print & Pray Hybrid Bible Journaling by Elaine Davis using digital printables | Rough Waters

Almost every one of us has a storm in our lives. Either we’re coming out of one, swirling in the center of one right now, or can see one brewing on the horizon. Oftentimes we can’t go around, over, or under these storms. Our only option is to sail through & let Jesus into our boat. Giving our fears of the unknown over to Him will bring calm to our hearts, minds, & lives. What storm do you have in your life right now that you need to trust & surrender to Jesus? Journal it out, friend.

<3 Elaine


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additional supplies: October Afternoon Mini Market Alphas in Sno-Cone | Master’s Touch acrylic paint in Ocean Green | Paper Studio solid color washi tape set

  1. Sheryl Musslewhite 6 years ago

    Oh! My! Goodness! Boy did I need to see, read, hear this today! Thank you so much for sharing! It’s definitely much needed, and that’s no coincidence!
    Blessings my friend! Sheryl

  2. Luz Acevedo 6 years ago

    Hola los precios son en pesos mexicanos

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