Print and Pray Bible Journaling by Becca Jensen using digital printables | God Will See You Through | Phil. 1:6

I think if I had to pick a favorite book of the Bible, it would be Philippians. A small little book packed with TONS of goodness! And it starts off with a bang.

“I am confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 1:6)

Do you ever feel like you’re not sure of your purpose in life? Do you ever feel a little like you’re wandering around in the wilderness? Ever wonder if you’re doing the right thing in this season? I know I have had these questions and many like it running through my mind and heart over the past year. These kinds of questions require a lot of waiting and a lot of patience. And it’s not normally super fun.

When I ran across this verse in the midst of this season, it was balm to my worn soul. Let’s break it down.

I am confident…

I don’t know about you, but when I am in these seasons of wilderness and waiting, confidence is not the first emotion I feel. Words more like “unsure” or “questioning” are what come to mind. I get in my head and keep wondering, “Is this really what you have planned for me?” But Paul tells us, we don’t have to feel unsure in the waiting. We can be confident because we have a God who knows the whole story and has our whole life planned out. We may not know the exact route through the wilderness, but we can always be confident in our guide.

He who began a good work in you…

My life is a good work to God. It’s not a mistake. It doesn’t look like aimless wandering to Him. Even when I don’t know where I’m heading, He knows that it is a good work. Sometimes (read: all the time) I need that reminder that my life is good. I’m not a screw up or mistake. I am His Masterpiece.

Will carry it on to completion…

God will see you through. He’s not going to leave us in the middle. He is walking with us every step of the way. And when we feel we can’t go on, He will carry us. There are days when I long for the completion of the journey, for the final piece of the puzzle to be revealed. But it is so comforting to read this verse and be reminded that God already knows what the finished picture looks like and He is guiding me toward it even when I don’t know what I’m looking for. Thank you, Lord!

Print and Pray Bible Journaling by Becca Jensen using digital printables | God Will See You Through | Phil. 1:6

A fun art note:

I’m not sure if you’re anything like me, but when I feel like I’m in a wilderness season, it’s really easy to set aside my passions and wallow in my suffering. But these are the moments that God calls us to Him even more. So, even when you don’t feel super artsy and crafty, I encourage you to dive into His word. Then, pull out some Print and Pray goodies. I LOVE that these printables allow us to create pages without stress, so that we can focus on the words He is speaking to our soul.

To create this page, I used Shawna’s Wait Out the Wilderness set of ephemera, cards and patterned paper! I love the cards that Shawna creates to go along with her sets. Not only are they adorable but they allow for me to do personal journaling under and behind them, without having to worry about my words being seen. In these wilderness seasons, it’s so important to truly pour out your heart to God. Don’t stress about perfect art or social media posts. Just talk to your Father.

I am obsessed with the patterned paper Shawna designed for this set. Can you spy how I tweaked this paper to fit what I needed for my page. Not only did I print her papers on cardstock–so that I could punch out a tabbie for the top of my entry–but I also printed them on clear sticker paper! That ruler/tape measure design is my FAVORITE. I cut that paper up into strips of the rulers to make washi tape!! I layered them up to make my tip in with the journaling card and to layer under the butterfly jar and tabbie. Don’t hesistate to do surgery on printables to make them work for your page!

I also loved the imagery of the butterflies being released from this jar. For me, it symbolized me continuing on this journey with God. He is seeing me through and always releasing me from the freedom of my anxiety and worries to follow Him. I printed these on clear sticker paper as well, but I cut out one of the butterflies and mounted it on cardstock so that I could attach it with foam squares. This allows this little guy to lift up and fly off the page!

Print and Pray Bible Journaling by Becca Jensen using digital printables | God Will See You Through | Phil. 1:6

Now it’s your turn!

Grab your Bible. No matter what season you are in, He will meet you in the margins of your Bible. Grab a printable set you’ve been eyeing for awhile. I love that our artists include some Scripture passages that go along with their sets. That gives you an instant insight into some verses that will correlate with their art. Spend some time reading and praying…and then create! And don’t forget, He is with you and God will always see you through!

additional supplies: clear sticker paper | cardstock | foam adhesive squares | Tab punch from we R memory keepers | typewriter | faber castell big brush marker


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