Hi there friends!!!! I am so super exciting to be sharing that I am not on periscope and I have to say it’s so much fun!!!! I love interacting with you guys and being able to answer questions live!! This is a quick 10-12 min process video and 10 mins of Q&A it’s fantastic anytime we can get together (even online) as a community!!!

This link will expire in 24 hours, but make sure to follow and tune in for the next live periscope!!

The stamp used here can be found in our etsy store along with the stickers etc! 



xox Shanna

  1. Beth Whitlow 10 years ago

    Loved your video, Shanna! It’s always nice to see your techniques and process. I was wondering if you’d considered trying to upload the Periscope videos to another host. I have no idea how it’s done, but another girl I follow on Periscope, Crystal Stine, has figured out a way to put hers on YouTube. It would sure be fun to be able to revisit these videos! Thank you, as always, for giving SO much great content, products, and most of all, encouragement, here on the Illustrated Faith site.

  2. Pamalee 9 years ago

    Shanna – If you open a katch.me account, your past Periscope videos can be viewed after the 24 hour limit is up. However, if you have already broadcast on Periscope but have not set up a katch.me account then those prior videos are lost on Periscope and can not be re-reviewed. You must open a katch.me account BEFORE broadcasting, then anyone can go back and view all your videos from the time you opened the account by going online to your katch.me address. Being new to Periscope myself, I have learned (and follow) Alex Pettitt on Periscope which will teach you anything about Periscope you need to know. Hope this helps.
    Love you & Illustrated Faith!
    Blessings and Success,

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