Here is something that I know beyond a shadow of a doubt to be true…. When I allow God to be in control then I have to need to fear what the future holds. I have no reason to question why things have worked out the way they have, and I have no doubt that it will “all work together for the good”. What a comfort in uncertain times!


If you’ve read between the lines of some of my blog posts over the past month or two you would know that I’ve been looking for a job recently. The job I thought I was guaranteed to get I didn’t. The next job that I thought I had the best shot at getting, I didn’t. The next one that I thought I would really like, well guess what… I didn’t get that either. I was quickly running out of options (there are only so many hospitals in my state that offer Obstetrics training positions and I need one of them!) but throughout this process it never occurred to me to panic. I continued to stand in that place of trust and obedience and ask God for the right job to come my way.


Eventually it happened. Through a series of events that I can see God’s hand all over I was offered a job. Not the job I originally imagined, but one that I can see as a potential stepping stone on my career path. At the very least it’s the place where I know I’m meant to be for the time being. What the future holds beyond that I’m not sure. But what I do know is that I have placed my trust in the God “who works all things together for the good of those who love Him, and who are called according to His promise” (Romans 8:28)


Genesis Kit: Typed Practice What You Peach, Say It Stickers, Washi tape, journaling penWhatever is Lovely collection: Art Prints, Sticker SheetPitt Artist Big Brush Pen (109 Dark Chrome Yellow)

  1. Kimberly Archer 10 years ago

    This is a daily mantra for sure. Love this design.

  2. Cori 9 years ago

    Praise God! I didn’t realize you were still in training? Or do you teach? I can totally relate. Many years ago multiple ER fellowship programs told me I had jobs, but they all fell through for different reasons. God, in His infinite wisdom, kept me and put me at the hospital He wanted me to serve at that would best prepare me for the Peds/Peds ER volunteer practice I have now. I know it’s hard to trust and stay calm (and to relinquish the control we doctors thrive on), but know that you and those beautiful babies are being prayed for regularly and that God will put you where He wants you to be. Hugs.

    • Author
      Natalie Elphinstone 9 years ago

      Hi Cori!
      Yes, I’m still in training for my Obstetrics and Gynaecology speciality. 5 years down, 1 more to go! I think the Australian system is completely different from the American one though, so that’s perhaps why it’s confusing :-) It’s an extremely long journey but I know that this is direction God wants me to go in, so there’s no place for fear and anxiety. Sometimes they creep in of course, but I’ve been reminded so many times about God’s provision for me that it’s easy to keep focused.
      Blessings to you in your practice too!

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