faith to move mountains by Jess Robyn | mixed media journaling Bible | print & pray shop | Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd | hybrid shaker insert

I have so many fond memories of family vacations and long car rides as a child. I remember one particular car trip as a child, sitting watching the hills roll by. I sat thinking about what Jesus said, that with faith just the size of a mustard seed you could move mountains. I didn’t know how big a mustard seed was, but I was sure I had at least that much faith! I remember staring at hill after hill, summoning up all my faith and willing them to move. Of course they didn’t move because that would be ridiculous and I’m laughing as I write this out remembering how silly I was. But then I’m struck by how sweet and innocent a child is to believe that’s truly possible. I laugh now at the possibility of a whole hill moving, but as a child I was sure it was possible, I was sure anything was possible! (We won’t talk about the time I tried to walk on water in the bathtub.) I’m guessing this is what Jesus had in mind when He calls us to have a child like faith – a faith that doesn’t question or laugh at the impossible, but embraces it with confidence.

faith to move mountains by Jess Robyn | mixed media journaling Bible | print & pray shop | Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd | hybrid shaker insert

I read these verses in my morning devos and kept coming back to them all day. How could I remind myself to have faith and confidence in Jesus, even to move a mountain? These pages didn’t turn out how I had imagined at first. I knew I wanted to use my sweet friend Elaine’s adorable mountains from the Print & Pray shop to illustrate these verses, but I wasn’t sure how. As I was painting the background I was thinking about moving mountains and you better believe I giggled to myself like a little kid when I realized I could make a mountain shaker. Totally what Jesus meant by moving mountains right?!

faith to move mountains by Jess Robyn | mixed media journaling Bible | print & pray shop | Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd | hybrid shaker insert

I don’t know about you, but I find that its not unusual for me to pray for God’s hand in a situation and then walk away still just as concerned. I say that I trust in God, that I have faith He will work, but often times my heart doesn’t reflect it. What happened to my childlike faith that believed God listens and answers? When did I stop believing that my prayers could move hills, even mountains? Is my faith even smaller than a mustard seed? Have you ever seen a mustard seed? If you haven’t, you should Google it right now for a big slice of humble pie. It’s TINY. Is my faith so small??

faith to move mountains by Jess Robyn | mixed media journaling Bible | print & pray shop | Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd | hybrid shaker insert

Surely we have a God who has proved Himself again and again. Surely He is so worthy to be trusted! Surely my heart has no reason to fret and every reason to have faith. Oh what I would do to have that same unwavering belief that I had as a little child before the world taught me what was impossible. There are so many voices in the world screaming what is more important than God, what is impossible for God to do, or what I need to be. But at the end of the day, what I really need is to choose again to put all of my hope and faith in the God who says nothing is impossible, nothing at all. Friend, will you choose to put your faith in God again with me? Let’s go shake some mountains!

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1 Comment
  1. Marie Foster 9 years ago

    WOW! and Awesome! this blog post really touched me and the best thing I have read in a while. What a good reminder of God’s love and capabilities and how we interpret that in different stages of our lives.

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