Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her:
“Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.”
Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
Proverbs 31: 28-30
I’ve had this Bible journaling entry envisioned since the moment my Dad read Proverbs 31 at my Mom’s memorial service a few weeks ago. I knew it had to be a purple theme too. I’ve never really been a fan of purple until a couple months ago when my Mom divided up her jewelry between my Sister-in-love, myself and the grand-girls. Both my Mom and her Mom were February babies so I got to bring home a bunch of amethyst jewelry. It was then that I fell in love with purple. I ended up buying a purple dress and saved it for the memorial because I knew I wanted to wear her jewelry too. I also purchased this beautiful scarf from DaySpring and when I received it, I was soooo excited because the lettering in the verse was purple and perfectly matched the dress. Somehow purple became a theme. Dad had bought a lavender shirt and my brother bought a purple shirt too. The flower stamps in the “A Heart to Receive” devotional kit reminded me of violets and the vision just came together so easily.
But… I don’t have any purple paint on hand!!! This is where color mixing shines and where I was going to have some fun playing!!! I decided to mix some watercolor to highlight the passage and for splatters later. I then mixed some pink and blue with white to make a lavender I liked. Lastly, I used some purple Faber Castell Big Brushes to stamp the flowers.
Mix watercolors – I chose the deeper pink and the dark blue to combine and create the deep purple color to wash over the scripture verses
Mix acrylic paints – I mixed the pink, turquoise, dark blue, and white until I was happy with the color then washed it over several areas adding more white paint to tone it down in places
Markers – I had several shades of purple but if don’t have the color you’re looking for, it’s easy to mix the marker colors on your stamp to create the color you want. There were four flower stamps in the set so I used four different purple markers to separate out each flower on my page.
I then added more stamping using a dark navy marker for stamping the markings and the date. Lastly, I outlined the leaves and flowers and added navy to the centers of the flowers. I also added the alpha stickers to say, “blessed” for my Mom.
I will later write a letter to my Mom as well as put a photo of my Dad, brother, and me from after the memorial in there to remember that day and the legacy my Mom left behind.
Addtional Supplies:
Faber Castell Big Brush Markers: Crimson 134; Manganese Violet 160
; Middle Purple Pink 125
; Purple Violet 136
; Cobalt Green 156
; Dark Indigo 157
This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
This is so beautiful, Heather!! What you said and also your art. I’m so glad you are back!!