shaker card filled with quail representing the abundance of God's provisions and message by Jess Robyn | mixed media art journaling Bible | Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd Genesis Collection

After God brought the Israelites out of Egypt, they wandered in the desert for 40 years because they didn’t trust God to bring them into the promised land safely. During their time in the desert, God provided manna for them to eat. He always provided just what they needed, never too much and never too little. But the people wanted more, they wanted meat. The people grumbled to Moses who went before the Lord and He promised to send quail for them to eat. In fact, He promised to send so much quail that it would come out of their nostrils! Israel’s grumbling is obviously not something to imitate (unless you want quail coming out of your nose!), but the end of God’s conversation with Moses holds such rich truth. God reminds Moses who is in control and who will sustain them in the desert. He says:

Is the LORD’s hand shortened? Now you shall see whether my word will come true for you or not.” – Numbers 11:23
shaker card filled with quail representing the abundance of God's provisions and message by Jess Robyn | mixed media art journaling Bible | Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd Genesis Collection
Surely the Lord’s hand is not shortened! He always, always provides enough for His people. He provided for Israel in the desert, and He provides for us now.
shaker card filled with quail representing the abundance of God's provisions and message by Jess Robyn | mixed media art journaling Bible | Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd Genesis Collection
Over the past couple of months, I’ve spent some time reflecting on how the Lord has so graciously provided for our family. My husband and I just recently transitioned out of our positions working in full time college ministry. For almost 3 years, we worked at a local university sharing the gospel and discipling students. Part of our jobs included raising our own financial support – that means all of our income each month came from the donations of others! If you’re thinking that’s a scary way to live, you’re right! It was hard work to build a monthly support team and it taught us to trust the Lord’s provision each month and to pray more fervently than ever. There were months we were uncertain how we would make it, but in 3 years we never once missed paying a bill or eating a real meal. We were in such a beautiful position to see the Lord’s provision so clearly each month. Sometimes His provision came through a regular paycheck and some months it came from random one time gifts. One week, someone gave me a check at church, saying God had put us on their heart that week. On the way home that same day, a tire on my car popped and the check was exactly $2 more than how much we needed to buy a new tire! I could tell you so many stories of times God provided exactly what we needed at exactly the right time. It was He alone that provided for us and sustained us so that we can so confidently say from our hearts that the Lord’s hand is most certainly not shortened at all!! He provided for the Israelites in the desert, He has provided for us in Riverside, He is and will always be enough for all of our needs. Trust in His good provision dear friend, He will sustain you.
shaker card filled with quail representing the abundance of God's provisions and message by Jess Robyn | mixed media art journaling Bible | Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd Genesis Collection
For this page, I knew I wanted to do something with quail, since that’s what God provided for the Israelite’s to eat! I was originally just going to paint some quail on the page, but I had the silly idea to make a quail shaker. If you’ve seen Amanda’s tutorial, she used confetti and sequins to fill her shakers. When I imagine God providing SO MUCH quail that it comes out of the Israelite’s nostrils, I imagine it falling from sky and just being EVERYWHERE – like the confetti in one of Amanda’s fun shakers. So I decided to draw up some quail, cut them up and fill a sticker package with them. I didn’t need to trim or glue the package at all, just opened up the seal at the bottom, stuffed it with quail, resealed it and washi taped it into my Bible. I added the main lines of the verse to the outside of the packaging with some alpha stickers after. I just love how it turned out and am already thinking up other stories that need animal filled shaker inserts!
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  1. Stephanie Thorpe 9 years ago

    Love it so much!

  2. Lesa May Brassette 9 years ago

    Precious post! I love your little quail!

  3. Amy Bruce 9 years ago

    Love every bit of it and needed to read your words. Hugs, amy

  4. Sharon Spinale Sienaski 9 years ago

    I love the little quail. Please consider making it a print and cut or a stamp. I love the abundance show by the shaker card. Thinking I could do this with loaves and fishes too.

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