Hi, everyone! I hope the new year is off to a good start for you. I seriously love the whole month of January because everything feels so new and fresh and hopeful. Who’s with me on that one? I’m not much for a checklist of resolutions that I’ll never keep (let’s be honest), but I have chosen a word of the year since 2014, and I can’t wait to see how that fleshes out as the year goes on.

Now that we’ve caught up a little bit… can I be honest with you? Completely honest? I’ve been struggling with feelings of insecurity lately. I’ve written here before about God using our everyday talents and abilities to do great things, but I’m still struggling to learn that lesson. Small thoughts of “you aren’t talented enough” or “you aren’t that good of an artist” have been running through my mind the past few days.

On good days, I can dismiss them for what they are: blatant lies from the enemy. On bad days, though, I can fall into the comparison game and make myself feel even worse. That’s the enemy’s way of trying to stop me from connecting with my Creator through art worship and that’s not okay by me!


Last week, on one of those bad days, I was spending some time journaling through some recent sermon notes and felt really discouraged, so I didn’t bust out my paints or attempt handlettering, I just wanted to use stickers. So I did. And it’s my favorite page to date (even now that it’s not my most recent one – wow!).

Do you stink at handlettering? I do, unless I’m tracing! How about drawing? I can only draw stick people (not super cute ones, either). Don’t have many supplies? Me either! I have one medium-sized box that holds everything journaling related. ONE!

See? You’re not alone. I’m not perfect. I have pages in my Bible that look like I did them with my eyes closed. I’ve misspelled words and layered too many paints and ripped pages. Even so, those pages represent time spent in communion with God.

No one is perfect. God still loves you even if you can’t write in perfect calligraphy. Use what you have and He will make it beautiful.


Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd Genesis Collection Say it Colorful stickers | Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd Big & Bold stickers in Hey Sugar Sugar | Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd Banners stickers | Bella Blvd Tiny Text stickers in Bold & Beautiful and Pretty Boy | Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd Whatever is Lovely collection stickers.

  1. ruthie 9 years ago

    beautiful, thank you for sharing your heart! Ruthie

  2. Katie Skiff 9 years ago

    I like hand lettering in my Bible, because it’s easy and fast. But I do have a FULL drawer of alpha stickers I should use up!! Beautiful page!!

  3. Amy 9 years ago

    One of my favorite posts yet❤️❤️❤️

  4. debbie 9 years ago

    Really love page: Please can you tell me the bible reference – thank you.

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