I believe in being inspired by those around you and continue to grow through that inspiration. I consider myself amazingly lucky to have the LOVELY, talented, and super sweet Jil Larson here to guest with us today and sharing a peek into her journaling bible.  Before I share her story I want to remind you how personal a journaling bible is, and to please take that into consideration… to me.. this is a HUGE deal and I am just so thankful she is willing to share her heart with us today! :)


“I started using a journaling Bible after seeing a glimpse of Shanna’s on Instagram, and it’s been enriching to my faith, if only because I am now so focused during sermons. It’s wonderful to have a record of all sorts of ideas about the Bible in a journal that includes the Biblical text itself. 

Because this is not my main Bible, I feel like I can write all over it with happy abandon. The writing during church and the embellishing afterward help me dwell with the words and ideas. While stamping, coloring, sticking down, I think about the passage, the sermon or discussion, and my own reflections. I’m relatively new to the Bible journal, but I know that my work in it will help me remember where particular verses and stories are; like any annotation, this is blazing a trail for me. I am building my own personal relationship with the word of God.
What I have currently done involves stamping, adding detail and color with distress markers and mists, marking sections and books with die-cut tabs, labeling small-group studies, circling, underlining, and highlighting with arrows. What I would still like to do is date my notes with a date stamp, perhaps adding the initials of pastors (since I’m exposed to different sermon-givers). I also see this project as one that will evolve, so I’ll find new ways to make these pages my own. For instance, I can’t believe I have not yet used any washi tape! 
Thanks, Shanna, for giving me the chance to share a few of my thoughts on using a journaling Bible. And thanks again for inspiring me in the first place!”
Jil Larson
Jil! Thank you so much for sharing your heart, words and art with us today. I can’t express to you how much it means to me. As I read your letter.. it brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for taking the brave step to share such a personal project with us.
How are you enjoying your journal bible? Did you pick one up yet? Are you taking a new twist on it? Do you find that you are spending more time in the word, or understanding it in a new way?  I love how Jill used the Amy Tangerine leaf as a book mark, and I just adore her little flower doodles. How adorable is that?
For more inspiration from Jil please follow her here:
If you would like to be a guest for our journaling bible series shoot me an email (shannanoelATgmailDOTcom), I would love to help share your journaling bible story.
  1. fromacoffeeshop 11 years ago

    I love this idea of journaling in the bible. The bible is supposed to be used and loved and I think journaling is a great way to showcase that! Thank you so much for sharing and I may have just been inspired to start my own!

  2. Ashley @ Always Ashley 11 years ago

    just sent this to my Thrive Moms community group ladies! we were just having a talk about journaling and a lot of them said they struggle with it. xoxo

  3. Elise Buskey 11 years ago

    Absolutely beautiful and very touching. Thank you

  4. Brett and Micah 10 years ago

    Is this just a wide margin Bible or is it specifically made to handle paints and stamps etc? It seems to me that everything would bleed through thin regular Bible pages. I want to do this!!!!! What a great way to meditate on God’s Word!

  5. Brett and Micah 10 years ago

    Is this just a wide margin Bible or is it specifically made to handle paints and stamps etc? It seems to me that everything would bleed through thin regular Bible pages. I want to do this!!!!! What a great way to meditate on God’s Word!

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