Friends, words can’t express the love I felt from my post last week on my journaling bible. I never could have imagined sharing something so personal and seemingly simple with make such a spark not only in our community, but beyond. As I heard YOUR stories about your bibles, and your relationship with God I felt so connected to each and every one of you so THANK YOU, from the bottom of my heart for sharing that side of yourself. I can’t tell you how much I appreciated it. I tried to reach out to each and every ONE of you that spoke up and shared. Thank you.
Before I start on my thoughts this week I also wanted to tell you that I would LOVE to feature your bible on my blog. If you think that would be fun too please email me at shannanoelATgmailDOTcom and we will get that figured out. I think it would be fun for people to see different styles etc. :) Also, if you post it on instagram, feel free to tag me as well and I will make sure to hop over there!
Okay! Let’s dig in! I know last week we talked a lot about stamping in your bible, doodles etc. But I didn’t want you to feel limited to stamps and pens! There is so much more! I really haven’t found anything (outside of dimensionals) that I don’t love adding to my journal. In the photo above you can see I used WATERCOLORS (who doesn’t love) and gelotos
Seriously, look at those beautiful rich colors. I just added a little watercolors to highlight my text that I was reading over. I love to mix the gelatos and watercolor together to create a SUPER dreamy effect. Even though a highlighter will get the job done, isn’t this a whole lot more fun? You might notice my page is a little wrinkled this photo was take pretty much right after it dried, so once you close the book it will help take care of the wrinkle-age. I aslo make sure to use the Staz-On for these pages to make sure to avoid smudging. 
One of my other favorite mediums to use is flat alpha stickers. For this page I didn’t have a lot of notes for the sermon, so I made the made theme of the sermon my title and made it POP!
For those of you who have gotten started (or have been doing) your journaling bible, what are your favorite tools? I think it would be fun to do a “starter guide” for those wanting to jump in!!
Thank you again, you are such an inspiration to me!

  1. <3 Sierra 11 years ago

    I love this and wish I would have gotten a journaling bible this last week! SO amazing! You are heaven sent! :) xoxo

  2. Tori Bissell 11 years ago

    Thank you so much for sharing Shanna. I can’t wait for my new journalling Bible to come! I can’t wait! So in the meantime…I’m taking copious notes during sermons and my Bible Studies. I am going to two Bible Studies right now…one on Mondays (we’re talking about the Holy Spirit) and one on Tuesdays (we’re going through Matthew). I really have been looking at some way to consolidate all the things God has been teaching me and challenging me with and when I saw your last post I was so inspired and felt like God really was giving me a great way to process what he is teaching me. Thanks for being so open and sharing what God is teaching to you!

  3. Heather Greenwood 11 years ago

    Oh!!! This makes me so happy!!!

  4. kyoung97 11 years ago

    Oh sweet sister…If I never meet you on this side of eternity, I am definitely going to give you a big hug and fist pump in Heaven in between singing praises to Him…this is just plain awesome sauce!

  5. Tori Bissell 11 years ago

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Bonita Rose 11 years ago

    I just discovered the whole journaling bible thing.. a little late i know… LOL but oh well…. I am ordering one today.. and I’ve already asked to join your fb group… for me this is the perfect marriage, creativity, my bible and color! I’ve been sber for so many years and hv so many supplies that are just sitting in my drawers.. oh the possibilities.. to bible journal with color like this.. take photos and share online on my blog and fb… and all at the same time.. declaring the goodness of our Lord Jesus! I’m over the moon excited I found you today… I really am.. for me this is a match truly made in heaven! Love you dear sister.. and the Influence conference looks amazing.. but i’m already going to shespeaks next July! I’m gonna try and go to this one too! love you! bonitarose

  7. Christa Sterken 11 years ago

    Ps, I am going to look into shespeaks for next year! This year I am going to Allume, seems like they’d be a great marriage

  8. Melina 10 years ago

    Hello, I was wondering where can i purchase this journaling bible? i LOVE love this!

  9. melissa adcock 10 years ago

    Melina, this one was available on Amazon. It’s the ESV journaling bible I believe.

  10. melissa adcock 10 years ago

    Melina, this one was available on Amazon. It’s the ESV journaling bible I believe.

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