Hi there sweet friends! I hope you are doing well today! I wanted to share with you one of my favorite ways to set a couple moments aside and really focus on Him each day! But first I want you to set all the excuses at the door (go ahead, I can wait, some of us have more luggage we are holding on to) we all have 3 mins am I right? Honestly ALL of our time belongs to Him, so we need to stop saying we don’t have time to give, I promise if you give Him your time from the start of your day He will take care of the rest.

Now that we have that settled I wanted to share with you a simple way to start your day off with HUGE impact. I love to turn on some worship music (currently loving Pandora – Gungor ) and grab my favorite journal, my must have journaling pen, my well loved bible and a cup of tea.   Then I love to sit and listen to just one song, and during that song give ALL of your attention to Him. Not checking emails, driving the kids to school or checking instagram, but rather sit and listen to what He has for you. While you sit and listen –  journal the whole time, yes the whole three mins! Don’t take that pen off the paper! I dare ya! I promise you will never look at that song the same again! Now if your journaling looks like words, or doodles or a mix of both just give it all to Him. Write the words, draw the images, journal the whispers he is setting on your heart. Really allow Jesus to give you what He has for you. For me, I then like to take that an enter it in my bible journal, we will talk more about that part of the process in upcoming articles but for today I want to call you to this 3 min. challenge! So what do you say? Are you game?!

Quick recap

  1. No excuses
  2. Gather your supplies
  3.  Get comfy
  4.  Turn up the tunes
  5.  Journal the whole song & listen to Him

You did it! Simple! 5 simple steps. I can do this. You can do this! We’ve got this friends!!!!
If you decide to take part in this 3 min. challenge use #if_journalyourfaith to share with our community!!

Have a wonderful day!!! xox Shanna Noel


P.S. to check out some other amazing journals I have a little unboxing of some of the latest goodies form the Sadie Robertson line for you to check out here …


1 Comment
  1. Jennifer Kay Casey 9 years ago

    I love this idea. I am so inspired by songs and lyrics and I jot down songs all the time I want to journal!! Great idea. Thanks for sharing and for the challenge!

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