Is anyone else feeling totally bummed that Gratitude Documented is almost over already? I’ve loved reflecting each day on the ways the Lord has blessed me so generously. A lot of mornings I wake up excited, check the prompt for the day, and end up dreaming all day of the ways God has blessed me and the reasons I have to be grateful. More than just a page to paint each day, Gratitude Documented has been tuning my heart to an attitude of thankfulness all day. A lot of the days have even helped me to reflect on really difficult times and what God taught me through them.


That’s why I love this verse in Isaiah 51. After chapters and chapters of God’s wrath being poured out, Isaiah writes God’s promise to comfort Zion and how she will respond with thanksgiving. Often times, the trials in our lives seem insurmountable and God feels so absent, but when we are able to look back in retrospect we can see so clearly the way that God has used them to draw us back to Himself. And like Zion in Isaiah 51:3, “… joy and gladness will be found in her, thanksgiving and the voice of song”. God brought Israel to her lowest, and then drew her back to Himself. How often I have seen that same theme in my own life as I have reflected this month on how the hardest trials have turned into the biggest blessings.


For these pages, I used simple craft paints in my favorite fall colors. I love using the Michael’s store brand of paint because it’s less than a dollar a bottle, they offer every shade and color you could imagine, and the paint is really thin on it’s own so I can still read the text under it. I drew out a few different leaf shapes on top of the paint with my Illustrated Faith pen and a white gel pen and finished off the page with the words from verse 3 in various Bella Blvd sticker letters!


  1. Amy Bruce 9 years ago

    Just beautiful! Simply beautiful!

  2. Laci 9 years ago

    Do the acrylic paints for Michael’s leak through?

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