Ashley Goldberg | Oleander & Palm | Be Crafty | Gillian Blease for Jenny Duff

Social Bash & Co. | Alexa Zurcher | The Snappy Sparrow | Unknown | Betwixt Fabric

Holy wow! A new year. Can you believe it? What a fantastic marvelous thing that we all get a free fresh start!? Believe me when I say that our artist team wants you to have the best start to your 2017 as possible, which is why they have created all these beautiful new digital products to help you draw closer to God! Think about where you want your priorities to lie in 2017. Of course we all know how healthy it is to make our own plans, goals, & aspirations. But it’s even MORE important to listen & follow the master plan the Lord has laid before you! Let’s see what our artists have designed to help you focus on JUST that!








All of this gorgeousness is live in the Print & Pray Shop RIGHT NOW! How awesome is that!? We’re so excited for you to start your year off right with worship, prayer, & gratitude! Enjoy & Happy 2017!

<3 Elaine

1 Comment
  1. Jodyo 8 years ago

    I adore the color palette. It has been rough on my daughter and I thru chronic illness, loss of job after uprooting my household. I know 2016 was not my year of greatness. I have Hope. My word this year is Persistence with a side of Hope. I hope this new year will be a better one for all .

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