Janel MacLean | how to fix mistakes in your mixed media art journaling Bible

I can not tell you how many times I “mess up” in my journaling Bible.  Seriously, there are too many times to even count.  The truth is, this isn’t the type of book that you can just rip a page out of when you mess up.  This is permanent.

Being a full time elementary art teacher I am constantly telling my little artists to turn their mistakes into something beautiful and today my friends, I am telling you the exact same thing.  I see so many people on Facebook and on Instagram who are too afraid to start in their Bibles because of their fear of messing up a page and I just don’t want that fear to stop anyone from this amazing form of worship.  About 60% of the pages you see on my Instagram feed have had some sort of mess up happen and I have worked it out to turn that mess up into something lovely :)

Janel MacLean | how to fix mistakes in your mixed media art journaling Bible

Today I am going to give you an example of a page that I totally messed up and then how I turned it into something beautiful. This process reminds me of how sometimes I feel like a big ole mess up myself and how God’s grace turned me into something beautiful.

The other day I was working in Psalm chapter 73 and wanted to focus on the idea of God being my strength and my portion.  I had written it out (and I am just never one to write it out in pencil first, I always go straight for the permanent writing utensil) and afterwards was so unhappy with how it looked.  Most of the time I love my handwriting but I did not like the way I had written it. The size and placement of the words were totally off.

Janel MacLean | how to fix mistakes in your mixed media art journaling Bible

At this point I realized there were a few things I could do:

  1. Keep it this way and be unhappy with the way it looked.
  2. Cover my margin with cute paper and build on top of that.
  3. Find some fun embellishments to staple over my mess-ups
  4. Bust out the paint and create a painted background on top of it
  5. Completely cut the margin of my page out of my Bible.

Now, I usually stick with number 2 and 4 which is super quick and easy and allows my pages to look like I seamlessly completed them with no one the wiser :)

Janel MacLean | how to fix mistakes in your mixed media art journaling Bible

This day, I decided to go with cutting off the entire margin and creating a shaker pocket of sequins in place of it.  While watching Shanna’s Bible Flip Through video, I saw her adorable shaker page and knew that at some point I was going to need on in my Bible.

I used the plastic packaging from a stamp kit , folded it over and sewed it into my Bible as a little page add on and filled it with colorful sequins.  You could still see some of my handwriting that had spilled over to the text so I decided to add a little paint onto my pages to make sure I had all of that covered.

After that, I used my trusty Genesis Kit to add the words of my passage onto page (there was no way I was going to try and hand write it this time) and few fun little embellishments. Now, this happens to be one of my most favorite pages in my Bible.

Janel MacLean | how to fix mistakes in your mixed media art journaling Bible

It’s really neat to God’s Grace even in a small act of “fixing a messed up journal page.”



SUPPLIES: multi-colored sequins | sewing machine | clear plastic from the packaging of a stamp kit | Pitt Pen Big Brush in Deep Scarlett | Illustrated Faith Genesis Collection by Bella BlvdHeavy Body Liquitex in Cadmium Yellow Heavy Body Liquitex in Cobalt Teal

  1. debi 10 years ago

    I love this idea! Beautiful!

    • Author
      janel 10 years ago

      Thank you!! It was super fun too :)

  2. Andrea S 10 years ago

    the best!

  3. Natalie Elphinstone 10 years ago

    Just fabulous!!

  4. Tess 10 years ago

    This is so bright and happy. I’m inspired. If my wet kitchen floor want between me and my journaling Bible, I’d go try it now!

    • Author
      janel 10 years ago

      Lol!!! That is awesome. If you try it out, definitely tag me so I can check it out :) xo

  5. Patti Hartman 10 years ago

    Great ideas!! If I’m in the margin I do lay down some Gesso and start over. :/

    • Author
      janel 10 years ago

      Yes, gesso is something that I definitely need to invest in :) I haven’t tried it yet but I love seeing it used on other’s pages. Lovely! xo

  6. Patti Hartman 10 years ago

    Great ideas!! I love the stitching!! If I’ve messed up in the margin I slather on a layer of Gedi and start over. <

  7. Christine J 10 years ago

    Thank you so much! Truly inspiring and helps boost my confidence to go for it.

  8. Kelly Brush 10 years ago

    This is exactly the same thing that Lord does in our lives! He turns something messed up into beautiful things! Awesome!

  9. Kelly Brush 10 years ago

    This is exactly the same thing that Lord does in our lives! He turns something messed up into beautiful things! Awesome!

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