Welcome, I am so excited you are here! Today’s post has been in the works for some time now! Let me tell you the whole story! :) August 1st 2014 I started a facebook group (after it was requested by a couple of friends) for our journaling bible community. Right away around 200 people joined and I was excited, over joyed and humbled. I was amaze to find so many other people in this tiny niche community. My husband said “oh we should have a retreat!” and I laughed him off. That is when he said if we get to 500 people by September 1st we would have a retreat. God was up there laughing because we WAY over shot that!!! Now here we are almost 3 months later with over 4,440 people!! It is an amazing group filled with love, growth and God and I am thankful for it every single day. The fact that I get to play even a small part in all this is amazing to me!!
So here we are, keeping our promise to you!
Yes folks, this is ACTUALLY happening and I could not be more excited! Once I found the perfect place (for on that below) for us to host this event I knew I wanted to ask
Stephanie to join me in this crazy adventure!!! Yes is is AMAZINGLY talented but beyond that she has a heart for the Lord that shines in all she does. I can’t wait to sit in a cabin with you guys and just soak her in! Ok, so let’s get to all the fun details!
WHO: The lovely, funny, amazingly inspiring Stephanie Ackerman will be joining us and teaching and sharing insight on her journaling bible process as well as some other fun techniques she has up her sleeve. Me! Shanna Noel, I am super excited to be teaching! I will be sharing my heart, as we dive into topics are harder to cover in an online class, and share our process of taking what we have learned and using it in our journaling bibles. Most importantly….. YOU!!!!! I can’ wait to meet you! We have decided to keep this retreat small and intimate so that we can really just love on each and every one of you!

WHAT: My desire is for this to be a weekend where you can relax, feel at peace and take it all in. We will be covering the idea of a journaling bible, the techniques we use to get the most out of the process and share the product that work best for us. We will make taking topics in the bible, exploring them talking about them and then sharing ideas on how to journal them. We will be eating super yummy food, and exploring the amazing surroundings while we make new friends. We will spend time in prayer and dig a bit deeper than we can online into the reasons behind why we use a journaling bible and how that helps us to illustrate our faith.
WHY: Good question! I believe that online relationships are fun and can give you so much, but there really is nothing like meeting in person, and meeting in person in a tree house, worshipping jesus, eating amazing cookies, wearing adorable pajamas, and playing with fun product? Really the question is why NOT! I really want you to come to this retreat and have it be EXACTLY that!!! A time that you are able to get a way from the busy ins and outs of every day life and just soak in a little YOU time. Time to create, time for friends and time to really allow a space for God to work in your life.
WHEN: We are welcome to arrive to the cabin anytime after 4:00 p.m on Friday April 17th where I will greet you with a hug (this is my warning) and give you the GRAND tour of our adorable location! We will say goodbyes Sunday morning (April 19th) after a SUPER yummy breakfast from my wonderful friend Tracey.
WHERE: The moment I thought about doing this retreat the Blackthrone (located in the beautiful Point Reyes, California) came to mind. I first discovered it when I went to a photography retreat and fell in love with it. Even though its only a few miles from home it feels like you are in a whole different world. It is often referred to as a “treehouse fantasy” and you really won’t be disappointed! It is the perfect place to just breathe (and feel spoiled while you are at it).
COST: $475 all inclusive (excluding airfare and travel expenses). If you would like to reserve a spot you will need to make a non-refundable deposit of $225 to reserve your spot, the remaining balance will be due by February 1st.
HOW: We only have 11 spots and this will work on a first come first serve basis.
1. Email me at shannanoel@gmail.com
3. I will email you back with payment info.
4. This post will be updated as rooms are filled.
5. Rooms will be chosen in order of registration, so the first person to book will have first room pick and so on and so on. This will all be done once all 11 spaces are sold.
6. SMILE and HAVE FUN!!! I can’t wait!
** 10 spots has been filled – 1 spot pending – 0 spots left*** <— this is where I will update availability :)
This is 6 bedroom, 5 bath house. I have also rented the tiny cabin next door. To allow us to have 11 guests we will be sharing rooms and queen beds (besides the one twin available), just think of it as a camp experience!!! If you are uncomfortable sharing a room with someone else you have 2 choices. You can pay for 2 spots, or you can bring a friend and room with them! Just make sure when you are booking your spot to reserve a spot for YOU and a FRIEND at the same time to assure you will be together.
I am super excited for this retreat and have already been praying for those of you that will be joining us! If you aren’t able to get in, please know we hope to have more of these in the future! Also, if you would like to host an illusrated faith retreat in YOUR location and would like me to come and teach please email me at shannanoel@gmail.com.
Thank you for all of your support. xox
Would LOVE to participate, but probably won’t be able to. Will look into options of bringing you here to Michigan. Continued blessings in all you do!
Oh! My! Gosh! I would DIE to be able to go!!!
Wow! Sold out already! So bummed! I wIill look forward to round 2.I should be more diligent about checking you blog.
Bummer, been busy with my kids, Judy now saw blog. Please let me know if anyone cancels.
Oh, wow, Shanna! you were right…it IS the perfect spot! I know it will be amazing…
What a wonderful place! Attending to a creative worshio time at a place like that, with people like you, would be a dream come true! I am from Europe, so I would need to do a lot of saving and praying for that to happen :) Wishing you lots of pre-fun (if that is even a word;))
If I read this correctly you have already filled up – bummer
Boo. It’s to far away for me. Sure sounds like fun though.
If there are ANY cancellations!!! I’m totally in!
will you be doing more of these in the future?
I hope to! :)
Ohh my gosh! Please let me know if any spots open up. This is exactly what I need right now
Sigh. I didn’t even know about Illustrated Faith until this past week. What a wonderful idea to have a retreat and the location looks amazing!! Maybe next time. :-)
Wow! This sounds amazing! I am a bit late, and I have’t begun Bible journaling yet, but I want to. My Bible is full of programs and bulletins that have been doodled all over and somewhat in the margins of the pages also. So…you threw it out there that you could possibly come to our corner for an illustrated faith retreat. I live in the Pacific Northwest on the Olympic Peninsula. I went to a retreat a couple of years ago at Lake Crescent, they have a camp that will accommodate at least a hundred people. many small cabins that are very primitive, bunks, but you have to bring your own bedding. Bathrooms a short hike away – I’m not sure that would be a great match…but they have a huge lodge for gathering, arting and eating. Not very expensive. But about 100 miles from Sea Tac, it is in a beautiful place, situated in a forest on the beautiful shores of Lake Crescent. Trails to hike, possibly even canoes to rent. There would also be other options for retreating around here….the sleeping arrangements are the only downside I think, with the bunks being hard and cold. The cabins are merely a spot to sleep and hold your belongings, with all the activity being in the lodge.
I’m just throwing this out there and see where it goes…
In His Grip,
Hi there Sue!!!! I think that sounds simply AMAZING!!!! Good for you for stepping out in faith! I love your heart. Will you email me at shannanoel@gmail.com? Thank yoU!!!
This sounds AMAZING!!!!! Wish it was going to be in my region of the US. Alabama is my state and I think it would be wonderful if we could have something nearby. I am a newbie at the bible journaling but have been journaling and drawing all my life. I love this idea to incorporate the two together to be able to express myself and what God is leading my heart and hand to do. He is so amazing in what will reveal if we will just let Him. We limit Him. I am looking forward to this Journey!!Hope the retreat turns out really good. I know it will be so much fun.
We have a beautiful Cheaha state park in Alabama that is located up on a mountain. My church used to have wonderful retreats there. It would be a very beautiful place if you were to ever possibly get the chance for this area.
Hiya Becca! Thank you so much for all of your kind words! You are right we do limit Him, why do you we do that? I would love to come to your neck of the woods! Shoot me an email at shannanoel@gmail.com if you are interested in hosting :)
That’s way the bestest answer so far!
Going to put this article to good use now.
Oh yeah, fabulous stuff there you!
Free info like this is an apple from the tree of knowledge. Sinful?
Your post has lifted the level of debate
You Sir/Madam are the enemy of confusion everywhere!