Illustrated Faith happened suddenly.  When I first shared my journaling bible last year I never would have imagined I would be sitting here today building a business, building a community, and building a website dedicated to glorifying God through a creative process. I love every single moment of it and feel so lucky to play a small part in this movement. If I am being honest though, there was part of me that was very sad to say goodbye to commitments I had made before Illustrated Faith came to be. One of those commitments was to my dear friend Amy Tangerine, if you haven’t checked out her site you are going to want to do that! She is not only one of the most creative people I know but one of the SWEETEST people in the world. She is someone I go to for advice, inspiration and just plain old happiness! When I told her that I was going to need to step down from the Amy Tangerine creative team she was all kinds of supportive!

We thought it would be fun to have a little “good-bye” party by sharing how I love to use my Amy Tangerine products in my journaling bible, and let me tell you…. I LOVE doing JUST that! Here is a little step by step on my latest entry using my favorite products!

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Here is a little secret: sometimes I allow the product to set the tone. For example I found this cute card from the stitch line that says “life is better with a smile”. I love this sentiment, and I looked up a verse on happiness and serving God. For me this was Psalm 37:4 “delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart”. From there I started with the title “oh my darling” because in all honesty I LOVE that darling stamp and want to use it on everything! I also like how that title is fun and light, I don’t think the bible needs to be intense all the time, Jesus calls us to be joyful, let’s join Him in that!

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Once I have applied all the stickers I wanted I needed to add some color!!! I start with a yellow watercolor and work around the design I already have. I then move to the heavy body paint (MY FAVE!!!!) and continue to build on that design. For finishing touches I add aqua and white circles around the design to compliment the circle theme I set with the stickers.

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Once I was finished with my page I wanted to add a tab. For this tab I used my tab punch and some paper form the stitched line as well as these adorable word stickers. I love that they are small and so many of them could work for themes in our bible. I stuck to our theme of “smile”

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Supplies: Journaling Bible | Stitched Alpha | Home Stickers | Die-Cuts | Plus One Stamps | Peerless Watercolor Papers | Liquitex Heavy Body Pink | Martha Stewart Acrylic Paint | Journaling pen

What I love about Amy’s products is they are always HAPPY, fun, full of color! This means they work perfectly in your journaling bible!!! Thank you so much Amy for believing in me and supporting me every step of the way!

Thank you so much for stopping by! Have a wonderful day!





  1. StacieD 10 years ago

    Love this entry! I loved the posts you did this past year with Amy’s products!

  2. Suse Fish 10 years ago

    I’m so excited to have found your blog! The illustrated Bible idea is just fab. Do you know of any Project Life style products with a ‘faith’ basis? Might this be something you could expand your product line to..? :)

    • Author
      illustratedadmin 10 years ago

      YEs! You are right, I think there is a great chance for cross over there! I am doing free printables for my newsletter, the one that went out this morning had a 3×4 journal card!! :) Make sure to sign up!

  3. Leah Burgett 10 years ago

    Beautiful page!!

  4. Carla Stout 10 years ago

    Can you tell me who makes the tab punch that you use? Or where I can find it? Thanks! :-)

    • Author
      illustratedadmin 10 years ago

      I use a couple including one you can find on the market now by Theresa Collins (I picked mine up at JoAnns)

  5. casie 10 years ago


    And an illustrated faith line of PL cards would be amazing ;)

    • Author
      illustratedadmin 10 years ago

      Casie, are you all signed up for our newsletter? We are sending out free printables once a week and we have been including 3×4 journal cards in there! :)

  6. Hannah 9 years ago

    Hi! This is so beautiful. Which journalling bible did you use? I’m trying to find one!

    • Author
      illustratedadmin 9 years ago

      Hi there! I use the ESV Journaling Bible :)

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