Hiya!!!! I am so excited for December to get here and to dive into this project! Now, if you are new to this idea let me get you caught up! There is a full post here but basically… we will be using our journaling bible daily through December using the Naptime Diaries devotional and I could not be MORE excited! If you haven’t picked up your devotional yet, there is still time! You have until tomorrow to order to ensure it will be in your hands to start your journaling in December and please use ILLUSTRATEDADVENT coupon code for 15% off devotionals + calendars!

I have put together a little kit to help me stay on top of it through the month of December…

Advent Kit from shanna noel on Vimeo.

I will have the tab printable freebie on my blog for you tomorrow :)
Are you ready? Are you excited? I seriously can NOT wait!!
P.S. I am so sorry this is late I was having uploading issues :)


  1. Tori Bissell 10 years ago

    What a great idea Shanna! I love the idea to make a small kit to use when you’re doing it. This way you can take it wherever you are and do it. I completely agree that the point is that we are doing it not that we get caught up in the hustle and bustle. I’m so excited to start too. Mine has been mailed and is hopefully on its way! Yeah I’m excited.

    Couple questions:

    1. Do we start December 1st?
    2. Could be have a fun hashtag we could use for this project specifically? That way we could see what others are doing too? Just a thought.

    • Shanna Noel 10 years ago

      Great questions sweetie!!! Yes I am starting December 1st and we will use hashtag #illustratedADVENT I ak so excited you will be joining in!!

  2. Mrs. E 10 years ago

    Great video; thanks for sharing!!

  3. Cody Doll 10 years ago

    I am kinda bummed out that I won’t be able to get the advent study. I can’t afford to buy the study and a new journal I need. One day I will be able to but not now.

    Love seeing what you had.

  4. Shannon 10 years ago

    I ordered the devotional bundle without having any clue what is in it (just wanted to jump into an Advent Bible study). What is in it and what else am I going to need? I am new to this so extra details is important. I watched the video of all the little odds and ends to get.

  5. Shannon 10 years ago

    I really love this! I just put together my kit–and I had more in my stash than I thought I would! I feel so much more prepared and organized now. Looking forward to illustrating Advent with you! Thanks for the inspiration.

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