Gratitude Documented Day 8 | Jesus [Hebrews 12:2] | Watercolor Bible Journaling Tutorial - Resist Method with Wax Sticks by Amy Bruce

Beloved Illustrated Faith Tribe –

I love this community!  I love that we are being intentional about setting our hearts in a grateful posture this November.  I love that Illustrated Faith gives and gives.  I love the Wordfetti prompts and the Gratitude Facebook page set up so we can share, encourage and inspire!  I am one grateful girl!

The scripture for Day 8 is Hebrews 12:2.   My favorite version of this scripture begins at verse 1 is found in the NASB Bible.

Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

It has always struck me that Jesus is the Author and Perfecter of my faith.  It doesn’t say, “Amy Bruce, you are responsible for it ALL”.   Instead, His word says, “run Amy — run with endurance — lay down anything that might keep you separated — fix your eyes on Jesus, AND HE will author and perfect your faith”.

The end result is — my faith is not up to me — we aren’t alone friends!  I am not saying the journey is easy.  I can testify with both hands held high, the journey of faith is anything but easy; but Jesus has already done the hardest work.   To me that says, “stop striving, seek Jesus, sit at His Feet, be obedient to His voice, and soak in His presence… the change will happen as you draw near to Him.”

Let’s journal truth friends.

Illustrated Faith watercolor tutorial Blog image

Organizing Supplies –

Gratitude Documented Devotional Kit pieces, Wax Resist Sticks, premixed watercolors and Illustrated Faith brush, Illustrated Faith Print and Pray Gratitude Documented Wordfetti Freebee 

Gratitude Documented Day 8 | Jesus [Hebrews 12:2] | Watercolor Bible Journaling Tutorial - Resist Method with Wax Sticks by Amy Bruce

Warning – I realized after shooting this tutorial, the aperture was not set properly on my camera!  Yikes.  Some of the shots may be a bit out of focus.  Thank You Jesus that I don’t have to be perfect and that you guys love me just as I am.

I started with making a pattern on my Bible Page closely mimicking the stamp cross-hatch design.  I slipped a Bible Matt and a plastic board behind my page so that I could get a good stroke of wax and worked around the key scripture for Day 8 of the Gratitude Documented Project.

Gratitude Documented Day 8 | Jesus [Hebrews 12:2] | Watercolor Bible Journaling Tutorial - Resist Method with Wax Sticks by Amy Bruce

Honestly, it was a bit hard to make the pattern because I couldn’t see my marks.  Let’s see what the watercolors reveal.

Gratitude Documented Day 8 | Jesus [Hebrews 12:2] | Watercolor Bible Journaling Tutorial - Resist Method with Wax Sticks by Amy Bruce

Looking pretty good.  I keep going.

Gratitude Documented Day 8 | Jesus [Hebrews 12:2] | Watercolor Bible Journaling Tutorial - Resist Method with Wax Sticks by Amy Bruce

Yep.  Adore.

So guess, what… I made another mistake!  I was impatient and tried to dry the page with my craft heat tool.

Gratitude Documented Day 8 | Jesus [Hebrews 12:2] | Watercolor Bible Journaling Tutorial - Resist Method with Wax Sticks by Amy Bruce

The heat tool melted the wax into the page, leaving a greyish tint to all of my lines.  Lesson learned – Be Patient!

I stamped “So Thankful” with the stamps that come with the Gratitude Documented Kit.  The Lord knows if it was up to me, I wouldn’t make it. Yep, SO thankful.

Gratitude Documented Day 8 | Jesus [Hebrews 12:2] | Watercolor Bible Journaling Tutorial - Resist Method with Wax Sticks by Amy Bruce

Next I started playing with my lettering.  I wanted to highlight that Jesus is the Author and Perfecter of our Faith.   I mixed letters from the Gratitude Documented 12 x 12 Fundamentals Sheet, Oh My Heavens alphas, and Homespun alphas, and threw in an ampersand cut out from my favorite Gratitude Documented paper.

Gratitude Documented Day 8 | Jesus [Hebrews 12:2] | Watercolor Bible Journaling Tutorial - Resist Method with Wax Sticks by Amy Bruce

I liked it but I wanted to add a bit more depth so I carefully transferred the letters to a clear sheet of packaging material.

I sharpened the stamp images and filled in some of the black areas with my Illustrated Faith pen.

Gratitude Documented Day 8 | Jesus [Hebrews 12:2] | Watercolor Bible Journaling Tutorial - Resist Method with Wax Sticks by Amy Bruce

I glanced at the opposite page and… Gold!  The “by faith” hall of fame.  I smiled because before Jesus even walked the earth, these brave souls brought light into their circumstances by faith.   Just another example of the Lord speaking and encouraging me through my creating.  They had faith EVEN before He came!   Two hands up – PRAISE!

I decided to add the journaling card to the opposite page and make my entry a double page.

Gratitude Documented Day 8 | Jesus [Hebrews 12:2] | Watercolor Bible Journaling Tutorial - Resist Method with Wax Sticks by Amy Bruce

I added some of the awesome washi tape under “so thankful” for dimension.

Gratitude Documented Day 8 | Jesus [Hebrews 12:2] | Watercolor Bible Journaling Tutorial - Resist Method with Wax Sticks by Amy Bruce

Bringing back in my lettering.

Gratitude Documented Day 8 | Jesus [Hebrews 12:2] | Watercolor Bible Journaling Tutorial - Resist Method with Wax Sticks by Amy Bruce

Oh how I need Him!

Gratitude Documented Day 8 | Jesus [Hebrews 12:2] | Watercolor Bible Journaling Tutorial - Resist Method with Wax Sticks by Amy Bruce

I wanted the project name on my pages so I cut out “Gratitude Documented” from one of my 12 x 12 sheets.

Gratitude Documented Day 8 | Jesus [Hebrews 12:2] | Watercolor Bible Journaling Tutorial - Resist Method with Wax Sticks by Amy Bruce

My tab area.  I underlined the key text.

Gratitude Documented Day 8 | Jesus [Hebrews 12:2] | Watercolor Bible Journaling Tutorial - Resist Method with Wax Sticks by Amy Bruce

I love the half heart on the left.  The other half is on the bottom of the page adding a bit of the green teal top and bottom.

Details on the opposite page including:  more watercolors, wax stick detail, underlining every reference of “by faith” and the stickers from the Gratitude Documented Print and Pray Wordfetti for Day 8.

Gratitude Documented Day 8 | Jesus [Hebrews 12:2] | Watercolor Bible Journaling Tutorial - Resist Method with Wax Sticks by Amy Bruce

Date Stamp.

Gratitude Documented Day 8 | Jesus [Hebrews 12:2] | Watercolor Bible Journaling Tutorial - Resist Method with Wax Sticks by Amy Bruce

More stickers from the Gratitude Documented Fundamentals sticker sheet and the Wordfetti.

Gratitude Documented Day 8 | Jesus [Hebrews 12:2] | Watercolor Bible Journaling Tutorial - Resist Method with Wax Sticks by Amy Bruce

Page complete.

Gratitude Documented Day 8 | Jesus [Hebrews 12:2] | Watercolor Bible Journaling Tutorial - Resist Method with Wax Sticks by Amy Bruce

Thank you Jesus that even our faith is in your hands — we are NOT alone!

I hope you had fun with this technique.  Tag me on Instagram @designsbyamybruce if you try it!  I have lots of ideas for this one so you will be seeing it on a lot of my journaling pages.  Lord, help me be patient and let it dry naturally and for the next tutorial; AND Jesus, help me remember to set my aperture properly!

So many grateful hugs,

amy bruce

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additional supplies: Daniel Smith Watercolors – various used in mixing

  1. Lesa Brassette 7 years ago

    Hi Amy! Yes! You inspired me to try this techniques! Does the wax stay on after you paint or are you supposed to try to get it off? Very new to me! Blessings, Lesa

    • Author
      Amy Bruce 7 years ago

      Forgive the delay in response my friend! The wax stays on. I am so glad you are trying the technique!

  2. Victoria L Jenkins 7 years ago

    Hi! I am so new to bible journaling and I love it! I found it during a very dark period of my life. My 23 year old daughter is in lung failure and waiting for a 3rd time lung transplant. We found bible journaling to help relieve stress and anxiety while offering us hope and remembering Gods promises. I am looking for illustrated faith or bible journaling workshops. I live in Discovery Bay, ca which is about 90 minutes east of San Francisco. Any suggestions?

    • Author
      Amy Bruce 7 years ago

      Victoria –

      Have you posted that question on the Facebook for Illustrated Faith? That might be the best place to start. I live in Florida so far way from CA but there are lots of ladies who host groups and workshops.

      I am so glad you found the gift of creatively spending time with God! Welcome!

  3. Heidi Petterson 7 years ago

    I adore this, Amy! I don’t even like the new stamp set but you made this so beautiful by doing your own thing with it. I’ve been wanting to try the wax resist technique, too. Watercolor is my favorite so I really love all of your posts!

    • Author
      Amy Bruce 7 years ago

      Audrey –

      Your post makes my heart so very happy! Thank you for taking the time to comment.

      So many blessings sweet friend!


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